Amarr Foundation Day | Conclusion of World War Bee II/Market discussion | Fighting outside of Nullsec | Player meetups Hosts:…

Tax cut ends war?
CCP puts a tax cut into the game that makes the NPC trade hub cheaper than the player-owned trade hub….

War propaganda, Brisc vs Ron
Brisc from Imperium (and Meta Show) and RonUSMC (the most watched EVE Streamer) from PAPI talk about their broadcasting styles and strategies during this war.

The Two Towers
Two Keepstars come under fire, one from IMperium the other from PAPI. Which one will die first? We talk to Pandemic Legion’s leader Hedliner and TEST’s Vily to give us their points of view. We also do a thorough review of the war and the November update.

Boat Un-anchors in Delve
High-flying show as longtime Goonswarm FC DeBigRedBoat (Boat) gets us up to speed on the Imperium’s strategy for the war, Hedliner expresses big opposition to Metaliminal Storm feature. Cable and Vily discuss Tranquility Trade Tower and collusion.

EVE’s World War (World War Bee II)
It’s official, Laz and Grath named the war. PL’s Hedliner, Elise, and Kenneth Feld talk about the war with Imperium’s…