CCP puts a tax cut into the game that makes the NPC trade hub cheaper than the player-owned trade hub….

Preparations for the Siege of 1DQ
Dunk Dinkle and Vily from Legacy Coalition (PAPI) update us on preparations for the siege of 1DQ.

The Two Towers
Two Keepstars come under fire, one from IMperium the other from PAPI. Which one will die first? We talk to Pandemic Legion’s leader Hedliner and TEST’s Vily to give us their points of view. We also do a thorough review of the war and the November update.

Boat Un-anchors in Delve
High-flying show as longtime Goonswarm FC DeBigRedBoat (Boat) gets us up to speed on the Imperium’s strategy for the war, Hedliner expresses big opposition to Metaliminal Storm feature. Cable and Vily discuss Tranquility Trade Tower and collusion.

All-Out War of Annihilation
A massive new war has erupted between Goonswarm and TEST that will draw in a number of alliances too.

Vily withdraws from Imperial Legacy Pact
Fleet commanders; Pando, Vily, Killah Bee, Hy Wanto discuss the recent events in Pure Blind and the end of Imperial Legacy. Vily sets a timeline of 2 weeks to withdraw Legacy Coalition from the Non-Invasion Pact with the Imperium. The Imperium declares war.

Shadoo and MisterVee
Legendary fleet commanders Shadoo (Pandemic Legion) and MisterVee (Goonswarm) recall battles of old with Hedliner and Vily.

Rumble in Providence
The Rumble in Providence. A 150 billion ISK fight may foreshadow a larger conflict in the area. Bjorn Bee, Sutonia…

2019 in Review: Summer
This week on Talking in Stations we return to our 2019 Year In Review picking up in April with Pandemic…

Pando with Noraus and Vily (FC Chat Series)
Pando talks with Noraus and Vily (Audio from live recording on

CSM Summit and Major Bot Ban Wave
Vily and ExookiZ talk about the CSM summit and EVE Online. NoizyGamer reviews the MER and Security Report – thousands…

Vily on the Southern War
Vily, a key leader of Legacy Coalition, joins the usual Talking in Stations crew to discuss recent some recent battles…

0.0 Blackout
Various perspectives are offered on the Null Sec Blackout, which went into effect this weekend. The Jita Market is discussed…

Shifting Alliances
The season closes with Vily and Killah Bee stopping in to update us on politics in 0.0, specifically in the…

New Year’s EVE
On the show: Matterall Destructive Influence Corporation [Northern Coalition.] Pandoralica DEFCON. [The Initiative] Opner Dresden H A V O C…

Conversations: IChooseYou, Under Attack
IChooseYou is well known as an offshoring tax haven in the Jita Market area, the largest in the game. Players…

The Grind of War
This week on Talking in Stations we talk with three fleet commanders, Vily from TEST, Killah Bee from Northern Coalition….

Legacy Under Threat
This week on Talking in Stations, we look down South – in the region of Immensea – where there have…