As we start the new year, the War of the Dead started off in October with a minor move from NC. and PanFam to Tenal now sees Legacy Coalition and The Initiative added to either side. We sit down with Bloc FC Pando from The Initiative to discuss what these means going forward.

INIT. and Dead Co. on the Upcoming War
This episode, Ron and Silver sit down with Sort Dragon, Alliance XO of Dead Coalition and Pandoralica, one of the…

Killah Bee on Tribute and Sort
Audio from our bi-weekley news program. Killah Bee talks about how NC will defend against the invasion of Tribute, and…

Imperium Invades Tribute
The Imperium marches north, their goal, destroy the home of Northern Coalition. and Pandemic Legion in Tribute. We talk with…

Sort Dragon on The Deal
A special Talking In Stations segment featuring Sort Dragon of Dead Coalition (formerly knowns as Guardians of the Galaxy, formerly…

Goodbye to Stations
An ode to some of the biggest content created by Sort Dragon, Executor of Darkness Alliance —

CSM13 Sort Dragon
Character Created: 2007/08/23 Corp/Alliance: Resilience./DARKNESS. Country: Australia Reddit: Sorticus Twitter: @Sort_Dragon Eve-Who: Link zKillboard: Link

Battle of C-LTXS
The news roundup was interrupted by the battle of C-LTXS one hour into the show. We switched to live coverage…