Imperium mops up PAPI structures in Delve. Also, Fraternity’s military director Luke Anninan discusses alliance moves with TiS. Fighting in…

Fleet Formations and Combat
A good discussion about fleet formations and more with theory crafters from various gameplay.

Imperium Keepstar down in 49-U6U
Keepstar went down in 49-U6U belonging to Imperium. PAPI forces sank it with a more that 120 supercapitals. The entire system was cyno-jammed. Imperium did not attempt to save it.

Totally Not Snuff Alts; ur dunked Alliance
An interview with Dank and Risa from ur dunked alliance. They are totally not Snuffed Out alts.

Pando with Hy Wanto Destroya (FC Chat Series)
Pando talks with Hy Wanto Destroya (Audio from live recording on

High-Security Ganks
CODE’s Jason Kusion explains how his group executes hauling ships right under the noses of the high-security space authorities. That…

Russian vs. Chinese Timezone
We review the Alliance Tournament 2019 hiatus, and the effect it is having on some player’s moral. Seth Shadoow, a…

2018 Most Influential Awards
On the show: Matterall Destructive Influence Corporation [Northern Coalition.] MacCloud The Graduates [The Initiative.] Artimus Albosa Capitalist Army [The Network.]…

CCP Fozzie and the News
News around the universe and patch note discussion with CCP Fozzie, Omar Mokhtar and Apollo428

Fight for Perimeter Trade Hub
This week on Talking in Stations we look back at Eve Vegas and the exciting events surrounding. We sit down…