Host: Abbie Rova Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to the Show Alliance Tourney Talk AT Killmails as NFT Fanfest 2022 !!!…

Enough clickbait. What’s really going on in Ponchven? | Eve Online Newsday Wed. Nov. 03, 2021
Opening Video: Host: Arsia Elkin Guests: Drake Iddon, Murry Rothbardo, OpusMagnum, Sahara Jackal, Tolstoyevski Tsuyasa, Xeromus Plague Engineer: Nick…

Scoundrel’s guide to space piracy
Hosts: Abbie Rova, Arsia Elkin, Nick Bison Guests: T0mmi3, Cdr Cosmic, KJ4SPG Kyle Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to Show &…

Fit to Compete
Sutonia covers meta and format for the proving grounds and alliance tournament. Also, what impact will the post-war rebuilding having…

Tax cut ends war?
CCP puts a tax cut into the game that makes the NPC trade hub cheaper than the player-owned trade hub….

2020 Most Influential Awards
The TiS 2020 Most Influential Awards winners and other player-made awards for EVE Online.

The Two Towers
Two Keepstars come under fire, one from IMperium the other from PAPI. Which one will die first? We talk to Pandemic Legion’s leader Hedliner and TEST’s Vily to give us their points of view. We also do a thorough review of the war and the November update.

Pochven: Triglavians Create New Region
Triglavians have stolen 27 systems creating their own Region known as Pochven. How will this affect the New Eden starmap and the players trapped inside the region? And a review of the major battles of the week. Record breaking battles not seen in EVE, ever.