Fleet commanders; Pando, Vily, Killah Bee, Hy Wanto discuss the recent events in Pure Blind and the end of Imperial Legacy. Vily sets a timeline of 2 weeks to withdraw Legacy Coalition from the Non-Invasion Pact with the Imperium. The Imperium declares war.

Surgical Strike
A review of the Surgical Strike patch that will be released on April 15th with experts.

Five Days of DDoS Strangles EVE
Disconnect issues plague EVE as players are blocked or disconnected from the game at random times. Distributed Denial of Service…

INIT. and Dead Co. on the Upcoming War
This episode, Ron and Silver sit down with Sort Dragon, Alliance XO of Dead Coalition and Pandoralica, one of the…

End Game for CSM Bans
CCP reverses their decision to ban Brisc Rubal, Pando, and Dark Shines. We look back at the unusual event. We…

Breaking News: Brisc Rubal, Pando, Dark Shines Banned
Recording of breaking news. Brisc Rubal, CSM member is removed from CSM 13 and banned permanently, along with Pando and…

Initiative Deploy to NC Border
The Initiative has moved to Hakonen, the Lonetrek region border to Northern Coalition’s home. The rivals are poised to fight…

New Year’s EVE
On the show: Matterall Destructive Influence Corporation [Northern Coalition.] Pandoralica DEFCON. [The Initiative] Opner Dresden H A V O C…

2018 Most Influential Awards
On the show: Matterall Destructive Influence Corporation [Northern Coalition.] MacCloud The Graduates [The Initiative.] Artimus Albosa Capitalist Army [The Network.]…

Invasion of Rage
On December 8th, 2018 at 16:00 Initiative invaded Rage with more than 600 pilots, 4 days later the Fort Knocks…