The Monthly Economic Report (MER) for October. PAPI fighting Imperium with a 2.31:1 advantage among active pilots.

A look inside the hi-sec war between minmatar (UNITY) and amarian (LUMEN/PNS/I-RED) roleplayers. Fraternity leader Noraus talks about botting and changes to null-ratting.

All-Out War of Annihilation
A massive new war has erupted between Goonswarm and TEST that will draw in a number of alliances too.

The Million PLEX For Good
Priceless Gold Magnate sold for 3.4 Trillion in PLEX (1 million). All proceeds going to PLEX for GOOD relief efforts. Noraus and Killah Bee talk about diplomacy and war.

Pando with Noraus and Vily (FC Chat Series)
Pando talks with Noraus and Vily (Audio from live recording on

Winter Co. and Vegas 2019
This week on Talking in Stations marks the countdown to Eve Vegas, we are joined with longtime volunteer coordinator and…

Elo vs Progod
We talk with Elo Knight and Progodlegend, two of EVE’s top fleet commanders. Leader of Fraternity, Noraus, stops in to…

Onslaught Expansion
Talking In Stations welcomes Noraus to the show as we seek the story behind what is a “Quiet War.” Noraus…

Fight for Providence Stations
This “Mothers Day” show focuses on the dueling campaigns over the fate of Providence and the 74 stations contained in…