Intro to Show and Guests CCP GM Intro and Interview for GM Week GM Q&A With CCP Goat and Paragon…

Fit to Compete
Sutonia covers meta and format for the proving grounds and alliance tournament. Also, what impact will the post-war rebuilding having…

How to Kickstart your Eve Fortune with @HateLesS_Gaming
General Stargazer talks Alliance tournament format. Also, popular streamer HateLess shares a new technique for fighting Triglavians in high sec,…

War and Economy
We review the war and the monthly economic report. A look at CCP’s Fireside chat.

Test is Next Door
TEST anchors and onlines a Keepstar next system over from Imperium’s Capital 1DQ.

October Economic Report
The Monthly Economic Report (MER) for October. PAPI fighting Imperium with a 2.31:1 advantage among active pilots.

A look inside the hi-sec war between minmatar (UNITY) and amarian (LUMEN/PNS/I-RED) roleplayers. Fraternity leader Noraus talks about botting and changes to null-ratting.

Grand Theft Ammo
The invasion of Delve continues with sov changes in Fountain. Provibloc breaks up as CVA moves out of their traditional home, Providence. New wrinkle in Triglavian war. Tridget of Iron Armada steals a bunch of bombs from Imperium structures.

Miss Rabbit Buys Ranger Regiment
On this busy news week, a full panel of guests including Brisc Rubal, NoisyGamer, RonUSMC, and Exonfang join Matterall and…

CSM Summit and Major Bot Ban Wave
Vily and ExookiZ talk about the CSM summit and EVE Online. NoizyGamer reviews the MER and Security Report – thousands…

Analyzing the July MER
On this episode, Matterall, Carneros, and Elise are joined by Ashterothi, Exonfang, and guest Noizy Gamer to go over the…

Hunted During the Blackout
On this week’s show, the TIS crew discuss the Nullsec Blackout in length – this time focusing on the perspective…

Initiative Deploy to NC Border
The Initiative has moved to Hakonen, the Lonetrek region border to Northern Coalition’s home. The rivals are poised to fight…

Local Spiked
We examine the strange disappearance of ‘Local Chat’ and the ramifications of it going missing. Jurius Doctor takes us through…