Host: Matterall Guests: CCP Goodfella, CCP Dopamine, CCP Ruffige, Arisa Elkin, Carneros The Topic is the EVE Fanfest 2022. Blog…

Tax cut ends war?
CCP puts a tax cut into the game that makes the NPC trade hub cheaper than the player-owned trade hub….

EVE Weekend Roundup – final Assault on 1DQ and Scarcity Quadrant 4 Plans
Final Assault on 1DQ and Scarcity Quadrant 4 Plans

Aftermath of the Blackout
On this week’s show, the TIS Crew process what they heard last week from CCP Hellmar, CCP Falcon, and CCP…

CSM14 Matterall
CSM Interview

CCP Fozzie and the Moons
CCP Fozzie and a bunch of expert moon surveyors gather round to review how the moon material redistribution worked. Fozzie…

Conversations: Andrew Groen, Steven Messner, Carneros and Matterall
Here at Talking In Stations, we examine EVE Online from the perspective of a veteran player that has been active…