Host: Rahne Guests: Eden Trade, Gergoran Moussou Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to the Show & Guests Eve Merch Store Eden…

The Secret Success of Highsec Buyback
Host: Artimus Albosa Guests: Rihan, Gergoran Moussou Engineer: Nick Bison TiS Weekend Report Sunday, 24 October 2021 Sponsor: Eve…

Scoundrel’s guide to space piracy
Hosts: Abbie Rova, Arsia Elkin, Nick Bison Guests: T0mmi3, Cdr Cosmic, KJ4SPG Kyle Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to Show &…

Marketplaces and Ecosystems
Smog890 and Avio Yanken, two guys who seed remote marketplaces, far and wide around the universe, bringing economic ecosystems to life.

ProBank and the Economic Age
Multi-Trillionaire Probag Bear sells his T3 assembly factories to raise 600 billion ISK, which he will use to open ProBank,…