No assets are safe, and no outcome is guaranteed. TiS takes a look beyond known space to learn the fate…

Foxholers Resist Eviction
This week the Foxholers prevented Hole Control from evicting them, and created a new fleet concept in doing so. In war news, an Imperium Keepstar was stolen by NCdot

Singularity Syndicate Eviction Attempt Underway
Hard Knocks aiming for a “full eviction” of Singularity Syndicate.

TEST to Move to Delve Post-War
Test Alliance Please Ignore announces plans to move to Delve after the war ends.

Lazerhawks, Ehefkae, Sinner’s Trajectory (The Hole Story)
Hole Story meets players from corporations: Lazerhawks, Ehefkae, and Sinner’s Trajectory to discuss the Capital ship fights in wormholes. They…