The biggest battle in EVE’s history by far, so big it created ghost titans.

Vily withdraws from Imperial Legacy Pact
Fleet commanders; Pando, Vily, Killah Bee, Hy Wanto discuss the recent events in Pure Blind and the end of Imperial Legacy. Vily sets a timeline of 2 weeks to withdraw Legacy Coalition from the Non-Invasion Pact with the Imperium. The Imperium declares war.

Five Days of DDoS Strangles EVE
Disconnect issues plague EVE as players are blocked or disconnected from the game at random times. Distributed Denial of Service…

The Million PLEX For Good
Priceless Gold Magnate sold for 3.4 Trillion in PLEX (1 million). All proceeds going to PLEX for GOOD relief efforts. Noraus and Killah Bee talk about diplomacy and war.

Pando with Killah Bee (FC Chat Series)
Pando talks with Killah Bee. (Audio from live recording on

Andrew Groen on Empires of EVE
On this episode, Andrew Groen talks about his upcoming book “Empires of EVE: Volume II“.

War of the Dead
This episode on Talking in Stations, we take a look at the ‘second’ Northern Conflict, nicknamed the ‘War of the…

Killah Bee Leaves the CSM
Invasion Special Episode — On October 14, 2019, Killah Bee resigned from the Council of Stellar Management. He joins Matterall…

A New Day Dawns on Null-Sec
CSM Killah Bee and ExookiZ talk about the end of Blackout, G-Fleet, and the player memorial.

CSM14 Killah Bee
CSM Candidate Interview

Killah Bee on Tribute and Sort
Audio from our bi-weekley news program. Killah Bee talks about how NC will defend against the invasion of Tribute, and…

Season Two Premiere
Our season premiere opens with some new faces and lots of EVE news to catch up on – oh and…

Shifting Alliances
The season closes with Vily and Killah Bee stopping in to update us on politics in 0.0, specifically in the…

Initiative Deploy to NC Border
The Initiative has moved to Hakonen, the Lonetrek region border to Northern Coalition’s home. The rivals are poised to fight…

TEST Pivots
Progod explains how TEST is pivoting to a new front in the south. We also cover Horde acquiring new corporations…

New Year’s EVE
On the show: Matterall Destructive Influence Corporation [Northern Coalition.] Pandoralica DEFCON. [The Initiative] Opner Dresden H A V O C…

The Forge and Geminate Border Fights
Today, a huge group talk about fights in Oijanen (The Forge) and BWF-ZZ (Geminate). FC’s from both sides of the…

Northern Schism and TEST invades Highsec
This week on Talking in Stations we talk with Killah Bee, head FC of Northern Coalition over the schism…

North Loses Staging Keepstar in X47L-Q
This week on Talking in Stations we sit down with Killah Bee, Asher Elias, Harvey Skywarker and Jay Amazingness looking…

Imperium Strikes NC in X47L-Q
Summary: This week on Talking in Stations we look at the cataclysmic precursor to the final timer on the NC Keepstar…