Host: Rundle Allnighter Guests: BBPxD, Rahne, Rich Richman Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to Show and Guests Patch Notes Fan Fest…

CCP Reveals Eve Fanfest 2022!
Host: Matterall Guests: CCP Goodfella, CCP Dopamine, CCP Ruffige, Arisa Elkin, Carneros The Topic is the EVE Fanfest 2022. Blog…

Amid the Crimson Harvest Eden Trade loses billions (on purpose!)
Host: Rahne Guests: Eden Trade, Gergoran Moussou Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to the Show & Guests Eve Merch Store Eden…

The Secret Success of Highsec Buyback
Host: Artimus Albosa Guests: Rihan, Gergoran Moussou Engineer: Nick Bison TiS Weekend Report Sunday, 24 October 2021 Sponsor: Eve…

Scoundrel’s guide to space piracy
Hosts: Abbie Rova, Arsia Elkin, Nick Bison Guests: T0mmi3, Cdr Cosmic, KJ4SPG Kyle Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to Show &…

Destruction and Turmoil in Wormhole Space
No assets are safe, and no outcome is guaranteed. TiS takes a look beyond known space to learn the fate…

Welcome to GM Week!
Intro to Show and Guests CCP GM Intro and Interview for GM Week GM Q&A With CCP Goat and Paragon…

Kitchen Sink Capitals
Two pirate faction titans destroyed in a single battle. CCP experiments with removing downtime, and TiS gives a roundup of…

How to Kickstart your Eve Fortune with @HateLesS_Gaming
General Stargazer talks Alliance tournament format. Also, popular streamer HateLess shares a new technique for fighting Triglavians in high sec,…

Who is Kenneth Feld?
Industrialist Kenneth Feld joins TIS for a review of the CSM15 election and his exciting last minute win.

Pando with John Hartley and Ultra Cow (FC Chat Series)
Pando talks with John Hartley and Ultra Cow

Pando with Hedliner (FC Chat Series)
Pando talks with Hedliner (Audio from live recording on April 5, 2020

Pando with Darius Caliente (FC Chat Series)
Pando talks with Darius Caliente (Audio from live recording on March 29, 2020

Braxus Deninard of Hard Knocks Interview
Hard Knocks leader, Braxus Deninard, is interviewed by Spod from TIS with help from Ashy as Ashy’s home is under attack by Braxus and his Alliance.

Pando with Mutafakaz & Bjorn Bee (FC Chat Series)
Pando talks with Mutafakaz & Bjorn Bee

Pando with Blurkus and Alphastarpilot (FC Chat Series)
Pando talks with Blurkus and Alphastarpilot