Hosts: Abbie Rova, Arsia Elkin, Nick Bison Guests: T0mmi3, Cdr Cosmic, KJ4SPG Kyle Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to Show &…

EVE Geography and Geopolitics 2020 – Alekseyev
A much-asked-for update to the EVE Geography and Geopolitics series detailing the effects of the recent Triglavian invasions, recapping the past year’s changes in sovereignty and nullsec politics, and a look at future conflicts to come in the South.

UAxDEATH and Grath Return to EVE
UAxDEATH, Grath, JSilva return to EVE Online, While Olmeca Gold takes a break from the game.

Decade of EVE: 2015-2020
In this second of two part series, Matterall, Astherothi, and Elise Randolph talk about events that took place between 2015…

Decade of EVE: 2010-2015
In the first of this two part series, Matterall, Dirk MacGirk, Maccloud and Elise Randolph talk about events that took…

TEST Alliance History
On the show: Artimus Albosa Capitalist Army [The Network.] Silver Suspiria Mecha Enterprises Fleet [Federation Uprising] RonUSMC Dreddit [Test Alliance…