No assets are safe, and no outcome is guaranteed. TiS takes a look beyond known space to learn the fate…

Foxholers Resist Eviction
This week the Foxholers prevented Hole Control from evicting them, and created a new fleet concept in doing so. In war news, an Imperium Keepstar was stolen by NCdot

Pando with Blazingbunny and Doombunny (FC Chat Series)
Pando talks with Loroseco (Audio from live recording on

Pressure on The Kalevala Expanse
Artimus, Ron, and Silver take you through the week’s news. From Hard Knocks retreat to TEST stalled efforts against Horde….

Invasion of Rage
On December 8th, 2018 at 16:00 Initiative invaded Rage with more than 600 pilots, 4 days later the Fort Knocks…

Wormhole Life
On the show: Artimus Albosa Capitalist Army [The Network.] RonUSMC [TEST] Keskora POS Party [Ember Sands] ExookiZ The Dark Space…

Invasion of Rage (Live) – Part 2 of 3
On December 10, 2018 at 02:00 EVE time, The Initiative continued their invasion of Hard Knocks’ home in Rage system….

Invasion of Rage (Live) – Part 1 of 3
On December 8, 2018 at 16:00 EVE time, The Initiative lead a 900-man invasion of Hard Knocks home. The system…