Captator talks about the troubles in high sec against PIRAT, and the leader of The Dark Space Initiative talks about their…

Surgical Strike
A review of the Surgical Strike patch that will be released on April 15th with experts.

PandaFam Wins North, DeadCo Disbands, TDSIN Eviction, CSM Summit
Northern War Ends, Massive Wormhole Battles, CSM Summit today on TIS

Encounter Inner Hell
Meet the most secretive and lethal corporations in EVE Online – Inner Hell [-INHE]

Pando with Exooki (FC Chat Series)
Pando talks with Exooki (Audio from live recording on

Vegas Recap
Now that the crew has made it home from Vegas, we sit down to an all panelist episode to take…

CSM14 ExookiZ
CSM Candidate Interview

Scary Wormhole People
Episode 6 – We talk to ExookiZ about Scary Wormhole People, the 10-year-old wormhole corporation.

Season Two Premiere
Our season premiere opens with some new faces and lots of EVE news to catch up on – oh and…

Wormhole Life
On the show: Artimus Albosa Capitalist Army [The Network.] RonUSMC [TEST] Keskora POS Party [Ember Sands] ExookiZ The Dark Space…

Conversations: ExookiZ and Harvey Skywarker on Sov
Hello, this is Matterall from the fan-created EVE Online podcast called, “Talking in Stations.” At TIS we like to bring…