Host: Artimus Albosa Co-Hosts: Gergoran Moussou, Malaclypse Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to Show New Dawn Quadrant & Patch Notes New…

Scoundrel’s guide to space piracy
Hosts: Abbie Rova, Arsia Elkin, Nick Bison Guests: T0mmi3, Cdr Cosmic, KJ4SPG Kyle Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to Show &…

Fraternity’s Fortress in Vale
Imperium mops up PAPI structures in Delve. Also, Fraternity’s military director Luke Anninan discusses alliance moves with TiS. Fighting in…

Tax cut ends war?
CCP puts a tax cut into the game that makes the NPC trade hub cheaper than the player-owned trade hub….

EVE Weekend Roundup – final Assault on 1DQ and Scarcity Quadrant 4 Plans
Final Assault on 1DQ and Scarcity Quadrant 4 Plans

The Two Towers
Two Keepstars come under fire, one from IMperium the other from PAPI. Which one will die first? We talk to Pandemic Legion’s leader Hedliner and TEST’s Vily to give us their points of view. We also do a thorough review of the war and the November update.

Ratting in the Age of Scarcity
What will the updates to NPC ratting in null bring to the EVE Universe? Will scarcity design make it difficult to thrive in null-sec or usher in a new era of activity? We ask expert players from around different gameplay.

A look inside the hi-sec war between minmatar (UNITY) and amarian (LUMEN/PNS/I-RED) roleplayers. Fraternity leader Noraus talks about botting and changes to null-ratting.