Brisc from Imperium (and Meta Show) and RonUSMC (the most watched EVE Streamer) from PAPI talk about their broadcasting styles and strategies during this war.

Hunting and Evading in Space
It’s a lot of fun stalking and hunting another player in EVE, but someone is stalking you at the same time. Here are several survival strategies to keep you from being someone else’s prey. Katia, a well-known EVE explorer, talks about evasion while exploring. The Brisc Rubal and Ron USMC discuss current affairs in and around the conflict with them.

Aftermath of the Blackout
On this week’s show, the TIS Crew process what they heard last week from CCP Hellmar, CCP Falcon, and CCP…

End Game for CSM Bans
CCP reverses their decision to ban Brisc Rubal, Pando, and Dark Shines. We look back at the unusual event. We…

Brisc’s Agony and Katia’s Ecstasy
Brisc Rubal gets kicked from CSM and banned from the game, along with Pando and Darkshines, two strat op FC’s…

Breaking News: Brisc Rubal, Pando, Dark Shines Banned
Recording of breaking news. Brisc Rubal, CSM member is removed from CSM 13 and banned permanently, along with Pando and…

2018 Most Influential Awards
On the show: Matterall Destructive Influence Corporation [Northern Coalition.] MacCloud The Graduates [The Initiative.] Artimus Albosa Capitalist Army [The Network.]…

Invasion of Rage (Live) – Part 2 of 3
On December 10, 2018 at 02:00 EVE time, The Initiative continued their invasion of Hard Knocks’ home in Rage system….

Invasion of Rage (Live) – Part 1 of 3
On December 8, 2018 at 16:00 EVE time, The Initiative lead a 900-man invasion of Hard Knocks home. The system…

Onslaught Expansion
Talking In Stations welcomes Noraus to the show as we seek the story behind what is a “Quiet War.” Noraus…

EVE Vegas Show
We’re live in VEGAS, and we’re talking in a station, or what could pass for it. Carneros and Matterall bring…

High Drama in Low Security – The Denouement
About the only thing rarer in New Eden than a freeport Keepstar is a diplomatic solution. After a tense two…

High Drama in Low Security – a Keepstar Story
“Hold on, I think somebody’s shooting my Keepstar…” These innocuous words, words spoken almost daily across New Eden and often…

Legacy Under Threat
This week on Talking in Stations, we look down South – in the region of Immensea – where there have…

Fight for Providence Stations
This “Mothers Day” show focuses on the dueling campaigns over the fate of Providence and the 74 stations contained in…

CSM13 Brisc Rubal
Character Created: 2006/07/09 Corp/Alliance: STK Scientific/The Initiative. Country: United States Website: Eve-Who: Link zKillboard: Link