Host: Artimus Albosa Co-Hosts: Gergoran Moussou, Malaclypse Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to Show New Dawn Quadrant & Patch Notes New…

Weekend Report November 7, 2021
Host: Abbie Rova Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to the Show Alliance Tourney Talk AT Killmails as NFT Fanfest 2022 !!!…

Alliance Tournament 17 Preview | Eve Online Newsday Nov. 4, 2021
Host: Rundle Allnighter Guests: BBPxD, Rahne, Rich Richman Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to Show and Guests Patch Notes Fan Fest…

Kitchen Sink Capitals
Two pirate faction titans destroyed in a single battle. CCP experiments with removing downtime, and TiS gives a roundup of…

Fit to Compete
Sutonia covers meta and format for the proving grounds and alliance tournament. Also, what impact will the post-war rebuilding having…

How to Kickstart your Eve Fortune with @HateLesS_Gaming
General Stargazer talks Alliance tournament format. Also, popular streamer HateLess shares a new technique for fighting Triglavians in high sec,…

Linux, Grand Heist Arrives, Alliance Tournament Returns
Make ridiculous amounts of ISK with the alliance tournament or ESS heists.

“TEST is NEXT… Door”
TEST Alliance Please Ignore anchored a Keepstar in T5Z on the gate grid facing 1DQ. Japanese language localization. EVE NT Alliance Open continues this weekend

Fountain Falls, The Alliance Open
We review the fall of Fountain as PAPI forces drive Imperium into Delve. The guys from EVE_NT tell us about the Alliance Open PVP Tournament. Ithica’s EVE Map.

Russian vs. Chinese Timezone
We review the Alliance Tournament 2019 hiatus, and the effect it is having on some player’s moral. Seth Shadoow, a…

C2 Raiders
Some corporations base themselves in C2 class wormholes, waiting for openings to strike at known space – low and null…

The Fate of Alliance Tournament – CCP Falcon
On Feb 13th, 2019 CCP announced the Alliance Tournament would be on hiatus. In other words, no alliance tournament this…

FW, GMs, & AT
This week on Talking in Stations, the Eve universe had an exciting week of GM shenanigans, the most talked about…

The Divide of Red Menace Coalition
This week on Talking in Stations we go to the south-east and look at the split of Red Menace Coalition…

The Great Escape from UALX
Artimus Albosa is joined by Dirk MacGirk and new panelist Bardghost Isu, guests Harvey Skywarker and Apple Pear to talk…