Host: Abbie Rova Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to the Show Alliance Tourney Talk AT Killmails as NFT Fanfest 2022 !!!…

Want to win? Fly a worm…
Host: Abbie Rova Guests: Sky Engineer: Nick Bison Intro and Guests Novice Frigates Yearbook with Sky The Week in Review…

Scoundrel’s guide to space piracy
Hosts: Abbie Rova, Arsia Elkin, Nick Bison Guests: T0mmi3, Cdr Cosmic, KJ4SPG Kyle Engineer: Nick Bison Intro to Show &…

Destruction and Turmoil in Wormhole Space
No assets are safe, and no outcome is guaranteed. TiS takes a look beyond known space to learn the fate…

Welcome to GM Week!
Intro to Show and Guests CCP GM Intro and Interview for GM Week GM Q&A With CCP Goat and Paragon…

Fit to Compete
Sutonia covers meta and format for the proving grounds and alliance tournament. Also, what impact will the post-war rebuilding having…

How to Kickstart your Eve Fortune with @HateLesS_Gaming
General Stargazer talks Alliance tournament format. Also, popular streamer HateLess shares a new technique for fighting Triglavians in high sec,…

EVE Weekend Roundup – final Assault on 1DQ and Scarcity Quadrant 4 Plans
Final Assault on 1DQ and Scarcity Quadrant 4 Plans