Ushra’khan turns 16 years old, the oldest living alliance in EVE.

Dysfunctionals corp Kicked from Goonswarm, sells Fort to PL
Vily, leader of TEST, post that The Dysfunctionals corp was kicked from Goonswarm today. The Dysfunctionals held the fortizar in…

Explosive Velocity Update
Devs improved torpedos and slightly nerfed the stealth bomber. Caldari dreadnought Phoenix improved too.

Test is Next Door
TEST anchors and onlines a Keepstar next system over from Imperium’s Capital 1DQ.

PAPI stages in T5ZI-S
PAPI moves from the edge of Delve to the middle, next to the Imperium capital system. Gobbins addresses Horde

WAFFLES hits Deepwater Hooligans R64 moon
WAFFLES reinforced an R64 moon belonging to Deepwater Hooligans in Syndicate system 5-T0PZ.

“TEST is NEXT… Door”
TEST Alliance Please Ignore anchored a Keepstar in T5Z on the gate grid facing 1DQ. Japanese language localization. EVE NT Alliance Open continues this weekend

October Economic Report
The Monthly Economic Report (MER) for October. PAPI fighting Imperium with a 2.31:1 advantage among active pilots.

TEST to Move to Delve Post-War
Test Alliance Please Ignore announces plans to move to Delve after the war ends.

Requiem for Requiem
Requiem Eternal suffers traitorous sabotage resulting in a disbanding of the alliance and 500 billion stolen, but the alliance lands on its feet as Eternal Requiem. Goonswarm Keepstar killed in 49-U6U.

Traitor Disbands Requiem Eternal
A traitor disbanded Legacy Coalition’s Requiem Eternal. The Imperium lost FC Joey Zahm to Original Sinners corp in NCdot. Snuffed Out battled it out with Ushra’Khan. Inner Hell has reformed

Imperium Keepstar down in 49-U6U
Keepstar went down in 49-U6U belonging to Imperium. PAPI forces sank it with a more that 120 supercapitals. The entire system was cyno-jammed. Imperium did not attempt to save it.

The Two Towers
Two Keepstars come under fire, one from IMperium the other from PAPI. Which one will die first? We talk to Pandemic Legion’s leader Hedliner and TEST’s Vily to give us their points of view. We also do a thorough review of the war and the November update.

Ratting in the Age of Scarcity
What will the updates to NPC ratting in null bring to the EVE Universe? Will scarcity design make it difficult to thrive in null-sec or usher in a new era of activity? We ask expert players from around different gameplay.

A look inside the hi-sec war between minmatar (UNITY) and amarian (LUMEN/PNS/I-RED) roleplayers. Fraternity leader Noraus talks about botting and changes to null-ratting.

Pochven: Triglavians Create New Region
Triglavians have stolen 27 systems creating their own Region known as Pochven. How will this affect the New Eden starmap and the players trapped inside the region? And a review of the major battles of the week. Record breaking battles not seen in EVE, ever.

Small-Gang PVP in Fade with V0LTA
V0LTA takes Fade region and develops relationships with small PVP oriented gangs in the area. Keepstar drops incoming to Delve.