A good discussion about fleet formations and more with theory crafters from various gameplay.

Children of Light
The Children of Light effect revealed, Updates on the war and the new quadrant. What will fleet formations do?

Helm’s Deep Breached
Skybreakers ships are seen inmasse, using their terrifying electrical weapons on the Imperium Interceptor fleets used in sovereignty war. The gleet is potentially a game changer.

M2- Breakout and Basgerin
PAPI breaks out of M2- with most of their Titans intact. The Basgerin Keepstar is destroyed.

2020 Most Influential Awards
The TiS 2020 Most Influential Awards winners and other player-made awards for EVE Online.

M2-XFE Server Aftermath
What’s the Delve War look like now that the anti-climactic final battle of M2-XFE was interrupted by server voodoo? Mikal Vektor from D-n-G on FW and low sec, Winter Nexus and Wormholes.

The Ghost Titans
The biggest battle in EVE’s history by far, so big it created ghost titans.

War and Economy
We review the war and the monthly economic report. A look at CCP’s Fireside chat.

Bloodlines and the Winter Nexus
CCP is changing how players see the lore from the start, and the Winter Nexus event is here and promises to be lucrative.

Foxholers Resist Eviction
This week the Foxholers prevented Hole Control from evicting them, and created a new fleet concept in doing so. In war news, an Imperium Keepstar was stolen by NCdot

Foxholers Defend Their Home
Foxholers are defending their home in system against hired mercenaries Hole Control.

Singularity Syndicate Eviction Attempt Underway
Hard Knocks aiming for a “full eviction” of Singularity Syndicate.

Keepstar Stolen in Delve
NCdot FC Pittsburg2989 captured a unanchored Goonswarm structure in K-6K, that belonged to Goonswarm. He wrote: “Props to the crew….

Expensive Nyx Destroyed in Tenerifis
Odin’s Call killed a Nyx worth 67 Billion in JK-Q77, Tenerifis.

Mining crews in Heimatar agree to ceasefire
DamFam and Malicious Mineral Hounds (MMH ) came to a diplomatic agreement in Abudban