This week on Talking in Stations we talk with Killah Bee, head FC of Northern Coalition over the schism…

Declarations of War
This week on Talking in Stations, after the CSM 13 summit minutes revealed a stark drop in player retention after…

CSM13 Minutes (part 2 of 2)
Dirk MacGirk, Artimus Albosa, MacCloud, and Matterall review the second half of the CSM Summit Minutes. 10. Server performance and…

CSM13 Minutes (part 1 of 2)
Dirk MacGirk, Artimus Albosa, and Matterall review the first half of the CSM Summit Minutes. Summit welcome EVE Leadership Team…

Campaign Ends
This week on Talking in Stations the campaign of Goonswarm Federation has officially ended with a deal between Aryth and…

Alliances Rising Again
This week on Talking in Stations we talk about an integral part of the life of an alliance in Eve…

CCP Mannbjorn and CCP Burger
Summary: This week on Talking in Stations we sit down with CCP Games Executives: Executive Producer CCP Mannbjorn and Creative Director CCP…

The Grind of War
This week on Talking in Stations we talk with three fleet commanders, Vily from TEST, Killah Bee from Northern Coalition….

FW, GMs, & AT
This week on Talking in Stations, the Eve universe had an exciting week of GM shenanigans, the most talked about…

The Divide of Red Menace Coalition
This week on Talking in Stations we go to the south-east and look at the split of Red Menace Coalition…

North Loses Staging Keepstar in X47L-Q
This week on Talking in Stations we sit down with Killah Bee, Asher Elias, Harvey Skywarker and Jay Amazingness looking…

Imperium Strikes NC in X47L-Q
Summary: This week on Talking in Stations we look at the cataclysmic precursor to the final timer on the NC Keepstar…

The Great Escape from UALX
Artimus Albosa is joined by Dirk MacGirk and new panelist Bardghost Isu, guests Harvey Skywarker and Apple Pear to talk…

Great Battle of UALX-3
Events in this war are moving so fast; meme artists have trouble pinning a name on it. Last week we…

The Four Dead Keepstars
What a week in EVE! Legacy Coalition and the Imperium officially join forces. With no time wasted the Imperium deployed…

The Trinosaur War
This week on Talking in Stations, Harvey Skywarker dubs the war in the south The Trinosaur War, wherein TEST alliance and…

LK1K-5 and EVE Down Under Report
This week on Talking in Stations we have a monumental fight over a Fraternity Fortizar in LK1K-5. What does this…

Legacy Under Threat
This week on Talking in Stations, we look down South – in the region of Immensea – where there have…

The Comebacks and CSM 2018
This week on Talking in Stations we are going to look at the comeback of Circle of Two with Da…