Message from Vegas
Meet TiS in Vegas, and we’ll try to bring behind the scenes to people who are not attending. Look for…

Killah Bee Leaves the CSM
Invasion Special Episode — On October 14, 2019, Killah Bee resigned from the Council of Stellar Management. He joins Matterall…

Invasion Patch – Astherothi
Ashterothi goes through the Invasion Expansion (Stage One) patch notes in their entirety. Great insight from a veteran EVE analyst.

Killah Bee on Tribute and Sort
Audio from our bi-weekley news program. Killah Bee talks about how NC will defend against the invasion of Tribute, and…

Breaking News: Brisc Rubal, Pando, Dark Shines Banned
Recording of breaking news. Brisc Rubal, CSM member is removed from CSM 13 and banned permanently, along with Pando and…

Win an Avatar Contest
Contest for fans of TIS. Fill out the entry form. Winner will be announced on the season premiere of Talking…

The Fate of Alliance Tournament – CCP Falcon
On Feb 13th, 2019 CCP announced the Alliance Tournament would be on hiatus. In other words, no alliance tournament this…

Guardian’s Gala – Ashterothi
Ashterothi breakdown this months event, Guardian’s Gala. The gala was a smashing success last year with capsuleers, will it be…

Q & A – Fozzie on TIS Discord
On February 10th, 2019, one of CCP’s game developer was a guest on our Sunday show. It was CCP Fozzie,…

Invasion of Rage (Live) – Part 3 of 3
On December 12, 2018 at 03:00 EVE time, in the Rage system; wormhole space, The Initiative finished their assault on…

Invasion of Rage (Live) – Part 2 of 3
On December 10, 2018 at 02:00 EVE time, The Initiative continued their invasion of Hard Knocks’ home in Rage system….

Invasion of Rage (Live) – Part 1 of 3
On December 8, 2018 at 16:00 EVE time, The Initiative lead a 900-man invasion of Hard Knocks home. The system…

December Patch – Ashterothi
December is shaping up to be a busy month for New Eden, and CCP has dropped many more details about…

Conversations: IChooseYou, Under Attack
IChooseYou is well known as an offshoring tax haven in the Jita Market area, the largest in the game. Players…

Sort Dragon on The Deal
A special Talking In Stations segment featuring Sort Dragon of Dead Coalition (formerly knowns as Guardians of the Galaxy, formerly…

Audio ‘TiS Town Hall’ live stream on Twitch
Audio version of the ‘TiS Town Hall’ where we discuss Pearl Abyss’ acquisition of CCP Games live streamed on Twitch…

Conversations: Andrew Groen, Steven Messner, Carneros and Matterall
Here at Talking In Stations, we examine EVE Online from the perspective of a veteran player that has been active…

Lumio vs “Big Boss PL” in Tenal
Lumio en Tilavine weighs his odds on taking Tenal away from Pandemic Legion. Lumio was made famous by relentlessly resisting…

Conversations: ExookiZ and Harvey Skywarker on Sov
Hello, this is Matterall from the fan-created EVE Online podcast called, “Talking in Stations.” At TIS we like to bring…