RSS Feed
Noraus talks about game updates, patches, and some of the political news from his perspective as the leader of Fraternity alliance.
Guests: Noraus
Panel: Arsia, Suitonia, Rahne, Matterall
Week in Review (skipped)
- July 5 (Mon) Most significant war in EVE: a timeline
- 6 (tues) Gala for small gangs – Marauders nerfed!
- 7 (Wed) Summer of rage or disengaged?
- 8 (Thurs) How to win Minmatar liberation day
- 9 (Fri) Kicked for treason! Vince cuts off Sinners Corp
Player News
- 1 year of War
- July 20 – August 2 – fountain falls
- September – Quarious and Rubicon 49-U (several, size ups)
- October – Keepstars into Delve
- November Delve iHubs
- Nov 20, T5Z Keepstar anchored
- December Ceasefire
- January “M2”
- February “Helms Deep”
- March – April cleanup of former Imperium territories
- May – June Siege 1DQ
- Sinners kicked from NCdot (move to NSH)
Other News
PCU Review and Discussion
Into the Portal Patch – Black Ops & Cloaking
Marauder Change Review
NC. Boots Original Sinners Corp & War Notes
War Highlights Review of the Year
Minmatar Freedom Celebration Ongoing