November 17, 2020
CCP fully opens up the EVE Portal to Alpha accounts and expands the pilot services trading function to include skill injectors in addition to PLEX. Vily, the executor of the Tranquility Trading Consortium (TTC) and one of the leaders of Test Alliance Please Ignore, says that he doesn’t expect skill injector trading to move from TTC’s Keepstar in Perimeter to Jita 4-4 despite the apps ability to access the Jita market directly. PLEX and skill injectors are a large part of TTC’s trades tax income.
Delve prepares for a major offensive, with multiple timers during EUTZ, including the Infrastructure Hub of D-W7F0, the Imperium’s primary capital/supercapital staging system they moved to the “Helm’s Deep” of E3OI-U. PAPI destroyed a Sotiyo and Tatara in NOL-M9, along with a second Sotiyo in D-3GIQ.
Trigger Happy owns a Keepstar in Venal now.* Alliance executor Zesty posted a screenshot in TiS Discord. Location is HD-JVQ, the regional gate system to Drone Regions (Perrigen Falls). After Zesty posted leaks of Fraternity announcing they would move heavy-assets to Venal to retaliate against TRIGG’s attacks on PanFam/WinterCo non-deployed positions.
Ser Qwaez / Murray Rothbardo wrote an essay on how the Dynamic Bounty System works and found that the most effective way to keep the multiplier high is by generating below 500m worth of bounties a day before switching to a different system to rat.
*The Trigger Happy story turned out to be false. The image shown by Zesty was captured on the SISI test server.
- Gergoran Moussou, TIS News