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We meet Sulley, the leader of a small band of marauders that stumble upon the biggest payday in EVE Online’s history, a four trillion ISK loot drop from a forsaken fortress.
- Shairun “Sulley” Choldar (Likely Suspects [RAZOR Alliance]) please invite
TIS Crew:
- Matterall (Producer)
- Carneros (Ancient Hittite Corporation [The Bastion])
- Elise Randolph (Habitual Euthanasia [Pandemic Legion])
- MacCloud (The Graduates [The Initiative.])
Overview of Forsaken Fortress update
- You may have seen articles in PC Gamer and Massively OP this week about this.
- The Forsaken Fortress content update went live and structures began to fall into Abandoned state
- A predictable wave of structure destruction followed with some amazing amounts of loot appearing in space
Ramifications of Forsaken Fortress
- Spike in empire war decs
- Many structures attacked
- Some “auxiliary intel” systems were used including exploding structures on Singularity for intel and using the cargo deposit function and ESI to get free intel on structure timers.
- CSM 15 voting in progress
- New Edencom ships revealed on the Singularity Test Server with the Arcing Vortron Project weapons and ammo
- They said it couldn’t be done but on Singularity Test Server we can now swap characters without exiting the client.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzFe0a0gx1E
- https://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/Stetille
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/gvjoqo/and_they_say_all_the_isk_is_in_null_highsec_loot/
- https://i.redd.it/1e60qh7tcl251.png
- https://www.eveonline.com/article/qb8w6u/rewards-of-democracy-vote-in-csm15
- https://www.eveonline.com/article/q9ayo4/forsaken-fortress-coming-26-may
- https://massivelyop.com/2020/06/04/eve-online-patch-enables-trillions-of-isk-in-theft-from-inactive-players/
- https://massivelyop.com/2020/06/06/eve-onlines-invasion-event-overtakes-the-galaxy-while-new-ships-approach/
- https://www.pcgamer.com/uk/this-eve-online-pilot-just-made-history-by-pillaging-dollar60000-worth-of-items/
- https://zkillboard.com/system/30002711/
- https://zkillboard.com/kill/84678026/
- https://zkillboard.com/ship/35835/stats/
- https://zkillboard.com/ship/35825/stats/
- https://zkillboard.com/ship/35832/stats/
- https://www.pcgamer.com/this-eve-online-pilot-just-made-history-by-pillaging-dollar60000-worth-of-items/
- https://massivelyop.com/2020/06/04/eve-online-patch-enables-trillions-of-isk-in-theft-from-inactive-players/