RSS Feed
Recking Crew and FEDUP
- Silver Suspiria (Mecha Enterprises Fleet [Federation Uprising])
- Edmund Jein (ISK.Industries [ISK.Enterprises])
Off camera:
- Seddow (Purple Helmeted Warriors, Recking Crew)
- Kontraband Venning (Mecha Enterprises, FEDUP Commanding Officer)
Content Guide:
- Who are you?
- Describe your alliance
- Size, pvp focus, deployments/sigs/etc
- History between FEDUP / RC Groups
1) Seddow was Skymarshall for the last southern war for Legacy
2) Past FEDUP / Templis rivalry in FW (Mutual respect)
3) Current clashes between the two, what do the fights look like? (small gang and sig like) - Current activity – Focus, goals
1) Recking Crew on the rise #s
2) Kontra leading new PVP sig inside of Legacy
- Upcoming Eve Meets: – Are any of these cancelled due to COVID?
- Eve New Orleans – May 22nd (postponed)
- Eve North – June 26th
- Eve North East – Aug. 7th
- Eve Vegas – Oct 23rd
Something you might not know: (Tell the audience something they might not know about Eve. Could be mechanics, player history, lore, etc.)
- Silver:
- Edmund:
- Seddow:
- Kontra:
- Silver Susperia – Producer
- Artimus Albosa – Producer
- Silver Susperia – Streaming Engineer
- Artimus Albosa – Podcast Editor
- Sound captured by Craigbot on Discord at https://discord.gg/B4sNeQs
- Video captured with Zoom.us
- Streamed on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/talkinginstations)
- Archived on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/talkinginstations)
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