RSS Feed
Predator Elite from Doc Workers Alliance talks about Low Sec PVP.
- Artimus Albosa (Noir.)
- Dylana Aivo (Horde Vanguard. [Pandemic Horde])
Off camera:
- Predator Elite, CEO of (Did he say Jump [Dock Workers])
- Matterall (TIS)
Content Guide:
- Who are you?
- FC Predator Elite
- Dock Workers Alliane
- Quick history lesson
- Siege Green Alliance
- What is your gameplay like?
- What are you up to now?
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30005238/201910240400/
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30002542/201911072200/
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30002702/202001202200/
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30002975/202001180200/
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30002142/202002092100/
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30003067/201912292000/
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30000163/201912310300/
- What’s next for you?
- HUGE Mineral distribution changes
- February Patch notes released
- Northern War update: Tenal ceded to Pandafam, Branch likely to follow according to leaked DeadCo member alliance updates
- https://www.eveneworleans.com/
Something you might not know:
- Artimus: fleetcom.space gives you a timer history which includes successful defenses and ihubs
- Dylana: If you have a module activated on someone like a repper, clicking the module under their ship icon will turn off the module
- Pred: Also when in bastion you can jump a wh and it resets your timer so you aren’t in bastion and can warp away
“Small numbers, big toys. Our guests next week on the Talking in Stations Midweek Report will be Ur Dunked.
- Silver Susperia – Producer
- Artimus Albosa – Producer
- Artimus Albosa – Streaming Engineer
- Artimus Albosa – Podcast Editor
- Sound captured by Craigbot on Discord at https://discord.gg/B4sNeQs
- Video captured with Zoom.us
- Streamed on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/talkinginstations)
- Archived on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/talkinginstations)
Show Links:
- https://youtu.be/3a9dO0oAU3o
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30005238/201910240400/
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30002542/201911072200/
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30002702/202001202200/
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30002975/202001180200/
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30003067/201912292000/
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30000163/201912310300/
- https://www.eveonline.com/article/q5jp49/moon-mineral-distribution
- https://www.eveonline.com/article/q5jak4/patch-notes-for-february-2020-release
- https://fleetcom.space/timer-board/fozziesov/history