RSS Feed
Meet Thorax enthusiasts, Pen is Out.
- Silver Suspiria (Mecha Enterprises Fleet [Federation Uprising])
- Aareya (Tactical Narcotics Team)
Off camera:
- Nate Altol (Rapid Withdrawal [Pen Is Out])
- Cala Capital specialist (Victory or Whatever [Pen Is Out])https://youtu.be/3V-RpDNbAFI
Content Guide:
Pen is Out
- Who are you?
- Guests: Nate, Cala
- Group
- What is your gameplay like?
- Quick history lesson
- Formation
- FW
- ???
- Piracy
- Sov
- Snuff
- What are you up to now?
- What’s next for you?
Something you might not know: (Tell the audience something they might not know about Eve. Could be mechanics, player history, lore, etc.)
- Nate: Zirnitra Kingpin
- Cala:Has the Zirnitra market cornered sold about 90%
- Aareya: If you experience module lag and find your active modules won’t work, try dragging them to a different spot on your HUD. This can help a stuck module activate.
- Producer – Silver Susperia
- Producer – Artimus Albosa
- Streaming Engineer – Silver Susperia
- Podcast Editor – Matterall
- Artwork – Razorien
- Sound captured by Craigbot on Discord at https://discord.gg/B4sNeQs
- Video captured with Zoom.us
- Streamed on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/talkinginstations)
- Archived on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/talkinginstations)