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This week on Talking in Stations we return to our 2019 Year In Review picking up in April with Pandemic Legion FC DJ Aldard. Vily, from TEST, explains why he’s taking his coalition to war against DeadCo.
- DJ Aldard (Collapsed Out [Pandemic Legion])
- Vily (Spartan Vanguard [Test Alliance Please Ignore])
- Seddow (Outback Steakhouse of Pancakes [Purple Helmeted Warriors])
TIS Crew:
- Carneros (Ancient Hittite Corporation [The Bastion])
- January Valentine (Producer, Talking in Stations)
- Elise Randolph (Habitual Euthanasia [Pandemic Legion])
Subject #1 2019 Retrospective, part 2 the summer
DJ – setting up the landscape up to this moment, the state of the northern alliances, what was going on with any resets between NC./PH./PL and Black Legion
- The Imperium invades Tribute, then expands into Vale of the Silent
- Keepstar kills
- M-OEE8
- 0-YMBJ
- P3EN-E
- SH1-6P
- DJ – why was this campaign different, rather than taking defensive positions, NC./Pandemic Horde decided to relocate to Malpais/Drone Regions
- Battle of WH-JCA (SH1 ihub)
- List of assets destroyed? by Tuzy
- Keepstar kills
- Legacy and Winter Coalition
- Black Legion joined Fraternity in March, how did that change the campaign
- The slow grind versus a hot heavy campaign
- Breakdown of the campaign strategy (Vily)
- Blackout ( we will look at the beginning of blackout)
- How did that change the campaign
Subject #2 How the war ends
- In the middle of the clean-up, CCP surprises New Eden with Triglavian invasions
- The Imperium takes a deep breath, then recalls all forces. The war is declared over. Everyone rushes home to react to CCP.
- Join us next week for a look at the Chaos Era and the fall and winter of 2019 with some special guests.
- Update on the northern conflict (DJ Aldard)
- TEST Alliance Please Ignore declares war on Guardians of the Galaxy via reddit post (Vily)
- Stay tuned after the show for the Invasion Tournament Series semi-finals. Elise Randolph is casting
- Seddow, FC for TEST during the Legacy War, leaves for Rekking Crew, loses a Ragnorak a few days later (Seddow)
- https://zkillboard.com/kill/80451977/
- https://zkillboard.com/kill/80452044/
- http://evemaps.dotlan.net/universe/Domain,Derelik
- http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Outback%20Steakhouse%20of%20Pancakes
- https://evewho.com/character/1494697811
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/ea7act/test_declaration_of_war/
- https://zkillboard.com/related/30000477/201906111400/
- https://i.imgur.com/S5iOaWf.jpg
- https://www.verite.space/maps/influence/20190601.png
- https://www.verite.space/maps/influence/20190425.png
- https://www.verite.space/maps/influence/20190620.png
- http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Detorid/BOZ1-O#const
- http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/RZ-PIY
- http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Detorid/IAS-I5#const
- http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Detorid/O3-4MN#const
- http://evemaps.dotlan.net/universe/Esoteria
- http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/15W-GC
- http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Tribute/SH1-6P#const
- https://zkillboard.com/kill/77471443/
- http://evemaps.dotlan.net/universe/Oijanen
- https://www.verite.space/maps/influence/20191215.png
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/c6z1ft/a_mechanical_analysis_of_the_drifter_invasion/
- https://imperium.news/drifter-onslaught-what-we-know-think-hear/
- /2019/07/drifters-and-blackouts/
- /2019/07/0-0-blackout/
- Please join us next week for a special episode with CCP guests
- Please stay with us for the next show as we bring you all over to watch the Invasion Tournament Series Semi-Finals commentated/casted by our own Elise Randolph.