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Talking in Stations hits the road and ends up at the EVE Vegas conference. Recorded live, Matterall and Elise bring on a variety of guests to review the conference highlights. Finally we unbox and “EVE Universe” collector’s edition. Special thanks to Streamfleet for providing the cast.
Guests (In order)
- Ashterothi (Malevelon Roe Industries)
- NoizyGamer (The Nosy Gamer blog)
- Whoisafish (EVE Echoes enthusiast)
- Wind Spirits (Iron Prestige [Fraternity.])
- Katia Sae (Signal Cartel [EvE-Scout Enclave])
- sixstringwizz (Streamfleet)
TIS Crew
- Elise Randolph (Habitual Euthanasia [Pandemic Legion])
- Matterall (Destructive Influence [Northern Coalition.]