RSS Feed
Artimus returns to explore the aftermath of Scalding Pass conflicts of late. Burntime Vryl of Veni Vidi Vici offers an update to the events covered in Cure episode (TIS episode 12). Fonsui talks about Triglavian Invasions as we prepare to enter phase II of the Invasion cycle. That and more on TIS.
- Artimus Albosa Pandemic Horde Inc. [Pandemic Horde]
- RonUSMC Dreddit [Test Alliance Please Ignore]
- Silver Suspiria Mecha Enterprises Fleet [Federation Uprising]
- Fonsui Signal Cartel [EvE-Scout Enclave]
- Burntime Vryl Veni Vidi Vici Inc [Valkyrie Alliance]
EUTZ Scalding Pass conflict Southern conflict Northern Butcher’s Bill Invasions escalating Twitch Prime rewards