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The Invasion Expansion is here and we break it down for you with expert advice. We also review EVE Down Under, the convention in Australia.
- Matterall Destructive Influence Corporation [Northern Coalition]
- Carneros Ancient Hittite Corporation Corporation [The Bastion]
- Elise Randolph Habitual Euthanasia Corporation [Pandemic Legion]
- Fonsui Signal Cartel Corporation
- Ashterothi Malevelon Roe Industries Corporation
- Maccloud (TIS Producer) The Graduates Corporation [The Initiative]
EVE Down Under —
- CSM candidate Announcements
Tribute War progress
- Imperium anchors keepstar in KQK uncontested
- Imperium fleets are reinforcing/killing structures in Tribute and surrounding areas daily
Southern War Ramps up
- both sides drop citadels in each other’s territory which results in fighting over timers
- some big battles because of citadels anchoring, https://zkillboard.com/related/30000509/201905222100/
The Invasion Expansion (28 May 2019). – Ashterothi reviews expansion, point by point
- Invasions (Hi-Sec)
- System wide effects
- Fleets roaming
- Stage 1 – vanguard fleets for something bigger
- New Race industry-wise
- New data cores (research)
- 5 new tech II components (manufacturing)
- New skills to do Trig (Tech II) Industry
- Triglavian Encryption Methods
- Triglavian Quantum Engineering
New Muta
- Damage Control Units
- Assault Damage Control Units
- Ancillary Shield Booster
- Ancillary Armor Repairer
3 hulls (t2)
- Nergal – assault frig
- Draugur – command destroyer
- Ikitursa – HAC
The Agency – Redesign
- Agent Finder
64 Bit Client option (open beta)
War Dec changes – Part 4 (final part)
- War Headquarters
- War cost simplification – 100 mil
- Improved mutual wars
- War UI improvements
Quality of Life Pointer Tool