The Imperium marches north, their goal, destroy the home of Northern Coalition. and Pandemic Legion in Tribute. We talk with commanders Vily and Pandoralica for their analysis, and we check in with Imperium FC Apple Pear on developments from the move op. Sort Dragon, leader of Dead Co. makes an appearance to illuminate his position in the conflict.
- Matterall Destructive Influence Corporation [Northern Coalition]
- Carneros Ancient Hittite Corporation Corporation [The Bastion]
- Dunk Dinkle Brave Newbies Inc. [Brave Collective]
- Apple Pear Hogyoku Corporation [Goonswarm Federation]
- Pandoralica DEFCON. Corporation [The Initiative]
- Vily Spartan Vanguard Corporation [TEST Alliance, Legacy Coalition]
- Sort Dragon Resilience. Corporation [DARKNESS., Dead Coalition]
- Maccloud (TIS Producer) The Graduates Corporation [The Initiative]
“State of the Goonion” & Imperium fleet movements
Imperium News Article by Rhivre ‘STATE OF THE GOONION 2019 – MARCH TO WAR’
Imperiums Super and Titan fleets at their destination Keepstar in 6RCQ
Dotlans listing for the Cloud Ring region, in universe view
Dotlans listing for the 6RCQ-V system in Cloud Ring in universe view, Imperiums Staging for the war to come
Dotlans listing for the Hakonen system in Lonetrek in universe view, a deployment location for The Initiative
Directional scan results of the 1DQ1-A Keepstar before the first Imperium Fleets depart for war, on dscan.info
Screencap of the local channel in 1DQ1-A showing 4k+ players readying for war
Apple Pear, an Imperium FC on zKillboard
Apple Pearr, a character made to fool people in Imperium space, that recently caught a ban for impersonation
Recent Rorqual losses in Delve on zKillboard
Recent Titan losses in Delve on zKillboard
Recent Super losses in Delve on zKillboard
Reasons for War and the Imperium narrative
The ‘Pie of Shame’ by CCP Peligro on Twitter
NoizyGamers Article on his website ‘CCP’s War On Bots: Name And Shame’
NoizyGamers Article on his website ‘Rental Alliances In EVE Online: A Unique Solution To An RMT Problem’
Dotlans listing for the corporation Debitum Naturae, recently kicked from Goonswarm Federation
Dotlans listing for the corporation Space Exploitation Inc, recently kicked from Goonswarm Federation
Sort Dragon in his own words
Evewho’s listing for Sort Dragon, leader of Dead Coalition (aka GOTG)
u/Eve_Asher’s reddit post ‘Slyce kicked from GOTG to protect Chinese renting’
Dotlans listing for UNREAL, an alliance that was removed from Dead Coalition by Sort Dragon
Coalition Influence Map by Verite from 11th November 2016, after WWB/Casino War when plans were being made to remove TEST from Tribute
Evewho’s listing for AlphaStarPilot, an FC for Pandemic Horde
u/Fulvertodoot’s reddit post regarding INIT saving Darkness titans from Panfam fleets and a Goonswarm Ceptor fleet
MMOs.com glossary of terms, ‘F’ section including the term ‘Farming’
CCP’s Article ‘CSM 14 – ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW!’
The Alliance Sovereignty Influence map by Verite for the day of the show
The Coalition Sovereignty Influence map by Verite for the day of the show