Fraternity leader Noraus asses the situation as enemies gather at his walls. TEST and the new, yet unnamed, Russian block are held back by a nonaggression pact that ends in 3 weeks. Meanwhile, a disastrous loss of two titans for Fraternity has turned around instantly as TEST fumbles a withdrawal and leaves behind a Komodo that is killed by Fraternity. First ever. That and more.
- Matterall Destructive Influence Corporation [Northern Coalition]
- Elise Randolph Habitual Euthanasia Corporation [Pandemic Legion]
- Carneros Ancient Hittite Corporation Corporation [The Bastion]
- Killah Bee Shiva Corporation [Northern Coalition]
- Suitonia Pandemic Horde Inc. [Pandemic Horde]
- Noraus Nuwa Foundation [Fraternity]
Killah Bee on EveWho.com
Suitonia on EveWho.com
Carneros on EveWho.com
Elise Randolph on EveWho.com
Noraus on EveWho.com
The 77S8-E System on Dotlan
The 77S8 Fight BR where the first Komodo dies to Winter Coalition, by zKillboard
Gallant Ronuken’s Komodo lossmail on zKillboard
‘EVE Online- First faction titan Komodo kill’ by Remeleen on YouTube
Picture of TEST Komodo Getting Doomsdayed by multiple Winter Coalition Titans
The Komodo Faction Titan listing on E-Uni’s Wiki
The Molok Faction Titan listing on E-Uni’s Wiki
The Vanquisher Faction Titan listing on E-Uni’s Wiki
CSM Winter Summit
CSM13 Team Photo with uncovered Aryth
CSM Meeting Photo #1
CSM Meeting Photo #2
CCP’s Article about the Mystery Code inside of ‘EVE: The Second Decade Collector’s Edition’
Latest Dev blogs
CCP’s Dev Blog on the imminent arrival of the 64-bit Client and updating to DirectX 12
An Explainatiion of the memory allocation capacity of different bit level system
CCP’s Dev Blog on the changes coming to the Skill System and Skillbooks
I Know Kung-Fu Matrix Gif on Giphy
The Stain Region on Dotlan
Stainguy on Reddit, advocate of the lowsec gate to Stain
CCP’s Dev Blog on the Invasion PvP Tournament taking place on CCP’s World Tour
Evesterdams Website
CCP’s Security Dev Blog for Spring 2019
War Mechanics
CCP’s Dev Blog on Wardecs and the upcoming changes to the Wardec system.
‘EVE Online: Retribution Trailer’ by CCP Games on YouTube
CCP’s Corporate Website
The Corporate subsection of Pearl Abyss’ Website
CCP’s Article about the results of the CSM6 Elections
Eurogamer article about The Mittani speaking out on CCP’s mismanagement of the Incarna Expansion
‘Alliance Panel @ CCP Fanfest 2012 in FULL in HD’ by MacCloud on YouTube
TAGN’s Article about The Mittanis 30-day ban and removal from the CSM following the controversial Alliance Presentation at Fanfest 2012
Update on Initiative vs Northern Coalition.
The Alliance influence map by Verite at the time of the show
The Coalition influence map by Verite at the time of the show
Bastion Titan Loss after INIT deployed North
The Hakonen system by Dotlan
u/William_Pierce’s reddit post ‘[INIT Stats] Day 10 of Deployment’
5ZXX Fight up north where Siberian Squad looses 5 Hels by zKillboard
that ending tho Email email email emailllll.......email
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