RSS Feed
Pandemic Horde FC Steadyo stops by to get TIS up to speed on the recent battles in Geminate and Perimeter against TEST and others.
- Artimus Albosa Capitalist Army Corporation [The Network.]
- Silver Suspiria Mecha Enterprises Fleet Corporation [FedUp]
- RonUSMC Dreddit Corporation [TEST]
- Steadyo Horde Vanguard. Corporation [Horde]
- News
- Coming January 15th:
- Visual update for asteroid depletion
- Skill Extraction disabled after password reset for security
- Conflict between Fraternity. and Scalding Pass residents possibly heating up again
- BSOD loses faction fort in a bloody battle between shield arty mach fleets
- FEDUP joins Legacy Coalition!
- MASSIVE fight ongoing in Oijanen
- Coming January 15th:
- Pandemic Horde fights everyone, literally
- Recap of last year
- “Meat shield” in Pure Blind/Fade, constant fighting with INIT. and Imperium sigs
- Move to Geminate with the fall of the DRF
- Invade Branch with BL…
- Kick Snuff out of Oij (timing?)
- Lose Perimeter
- Imperium sigs deploy, NC. deploys, lots of small groups deploy to the Geminate content farm
- Current fighting
- Constant pressure on TEST in Perimeter
- TEST deploys to Oij
- Branch invasion ends
- Imperium sigs still fighting?
- Recap of last year