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We travel five years back to explore the Great Battle of B-R5RB, five years later. On January 27, 2014, EVE saw a 20-hour battle that changed EVE forever. FC Lazarus Telraven and Elise Randolph talk about that day. Scourge CEO leader Seth Shadoow joins us too for an engaging discussion on Russian players and their views of the battle.
- Matterall Destructive Influence Corporation [NC]
- Carneros Ancient Hittite Corporation [Bastion]
- Elise Randolph Habitual Euthanasia [PL]
- Lazerus Telraven Origin, [BL]
- Seth Shadoow Ministry of War [Scourge]
- RonUSMC Dreddit [Test]
- Orion Sa-Solo Lethal Injection Inc. [PL]
Perimeter fights between TEST and Northern Forces (NC/PL/Horde)
Scourge Leader Seth Shadoow
Battle of B-R5RB – A historical perspective on this five year anniversary
Stronghelm owns the Txme-a keepstar