This is the research document written in article form, created every week for the Sunday Talking in Stations show. Not all that is written gets on the show but we pull from the research document to write the show notes.
Notes compiled by TIS Team, Written by January Valentine
Sunday 11-4
Roleplaying Amarr
Amarr extremists from Fweddit self-destruct nine freighters executing over 2 million slaves in Kahah. Statement from The Lord’s Speaker,
Today in the skies of Kahah III, we have conducted the execution of some two million Minmatar slaves, to demonstrate our will and wrath to those who would defy God’s order. The wreckage of each vessel was destroyed. The blood and bone and steel rain down upon Kahah III, and as it falls, so fall the hopes of those rebels who defy God upon that world. We give pious thanks to our sovereign Empress Catiz I, and to our sovereign Lord Almighty, for entrusting us with the sacred task of maintaining His order in this galaxy. All souls shall be Reclaimed, in this world or the next. Amarr Victor.
Battle Report: https://br.inyour.space/?s=3873&b=8332800&e=90&t=qv
Titan’s Ransomed?
At roughly 19:00 Bombers Bar, Pandemic Legion, Black Legion, and Pandemic Horde had tackled five Titans. Dark Shines reports in his AAR that they had been keeping an eye on the Black Legion Muninn fleet when reports came in of the super capitals tackled. They immediately formed a 250 man Stuka (stealth bombers with command destroyers, electronic attack frigates and T2 frigate logi) fleet and raced towards Deklien. One jump to go into N2IS-B when a coin flip decides whether or not to save the trapped Darkness Titans. They land on grid and prepare to engage the BL Muninn fleet when the hostile fleet warps out. Disappointed at the retreat, they bomb off the bubbles trapping the super capitals, and they jump out. Deepfry Erase, the last Titan to jump out was reportedly saying on the reddit thread, “my titan was the last to extract. I’d do an AMA but I have no fucking idea what was going on so no point really.”
In disbelief by Dabigredboat, who had raced to the system in an interceptor fleet, gone through the five stages of grief in about 10 minutes from anger that Initiative had saved the Titans to an accusation that DeadCo (Dead Coalition, formerly GotG) paid Initiative to free the Titans to shock that the kills had been denied to him.
Battle Report: https://br.inyour.space/?s=2945&b=8332980&e=90&t=bLqqwvvvvvvvvuvvvvvvvvvvvuvvvb
TEST Deploys
TiDi is felt in Jita as TEST alliance deploy armor capitals and supercapitals north. Called ‘The Coming of The Tide’ the move fleet was spotted in Derelik and ended in Oijanen – a region of Caldari lowsec right outside the region of Geminate. Snuffed Out catches a straggler – an avatar dies in Tasti.
Gigx voice or not?
GigX – alliance leader of CO2 – reportedly skirting a ban in a clip of CO2 state of the alliance that was re-broadcasted on soundcloud.
Monday 11-5
Slave Revolt
DED Marshall dies to Ushra’Khan in Kahah as it likely connected to the slave revolt and mass murder above Kahah III. It might have been in retribution for a Khanid Kingdom Aeon hotdropping a player freighter from the Minmatar corporation.
Expensive Loss
Dreadpilot Roberts lost a Caedes – an alliance tournament covert ops frigate – in Nennamalia.
Tuesday 11-6
Dev Blog
The development blog for the next iteration of structures to be released in the Nov. 13th ‘Onslaught Expansion’.
Several topics covered in detail are:
- The new Upwell FLEX structure line
- Details on navigation structure deployment, reinforcement, and destruction
- Improvements to the attack flow for all Upwell structures
- The Pharolux Cyno Beacon
- The Tenebrex Cyno Jammer
- The Ansiblex Jump Gate
- Navigation Structure Transition Plan
- Some related miscellaneous changes
Fast Logistical EXpansion [FLEX] is the brand name of Upwell’s new line of fast-deploying specialized structures with built-in service modules. These new FLEX structures have a lot of unique distinguishing factors separating them from the standard Upwell product lines:
- They deploy extremely quickly, with the first FLEX structures requiring just 3% of the time of previous Upwell products to deploy and activate
- They can be deployed closer to other Upwell structures, with the first batch sporting minimum ranges of 150km and 200km to the nearest standard Upwell structure
- They are much faster to destroy, with a single short reinforcement cycle when in full-power mode and no reinforcement cycle when in low-power mode
- They come with built-in service modules that control their core function, but do not have any other slots for fitting or rigs
- They do not have standard docking facilities, instead being able to be boarded directly from space like a ship so that a pilot can control their service modules
- Any pilot can place fuel into FLEX structures through the Upwell Cargo Deposit system
- The initial group of Upwell FLEX structures do not have any weapons, asset safety, or tethering
The Pharolux Cyno Beacon comes with a built-in Standup Cynosural Generator I service module that activates the jumpable beacon when active. This service module requires the same IHub upgrade that the old starbase Cynosural Generator Array required. This service module cannot be active in a cynojammed system and will turn off if the system becomes cynojammed.
- Maximum of one structure per system
- 45 minute deployment/unanchor time
- Built-in Standup Cynosural Generator I requires the Cynosural Navigation strategic infrastructure hub upgrade to be active in the system
- Service module consumes 15 fuel blocks per hour while active
- May not be deployed within 200km from other Upwell structures
- Slot Layout: 0H, 0M, 0L, 0 Rig, 1 Service
- Volume: 4000m3
- Low Power Mode Hitpoints (shields / armor / hull): 750,000 / 750,000 / 3,000,000
- High Power Mode Hitpoints (shields / armor / hull): 3,000,000 / 3,000,000 / 3,000,000
- Resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 20 / 20 / 20 / 20
- Damage Cap: 5000 dps
The Tenebrex Cyno Jammer comes with a built-in Standup Cynosural Jammer I service module that provides the system jamming effect when active. Activating this service module requires the same infrastructure hub strategic upgrade that the old starbase Cynosural System Jammer required.
When the Standup Cynosural Jammer I service module is activated, there is a 5 minute spool up time before the system becomes jammed. This 5 minute timer will be extended by time dilation when applicable. The status of the jamming effect in each star system (either unjammed, jam pending, or jammed) will be clearly visible to all pilots in the system through the sovereignty info panel at the top left of the screen. This status display will also show when a system is jammed due to an active incursion.
- Maximum of three structures per system
- Maximum of one online service module per system
- 45 minute deployment/unanchor time
- Built-in Standup Cynosural Jammer I requires the Cynosural Suppression strategic infrastructure hub upgrade to be active in the system
- Cynosural System Jamming takes effect 5 minutes after service module is activated
- Service module consumes 40 fuel blocks per hour while active
- May not be deployed within 150km from other Upwell structures
- Slot Layout: 0H, 0M, 0L, 0 Rig, 1 Service
- Volume: 5000m3
- Low Power Mode Hitpoints (shields / armor / hull): 1,000,000 / 1,000,000 / 4,000,000
- High Power Mode Hitpoints (shields / armor / hull): 4,000,000 / 4,000,000 / 4,000,000
- Resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 20 / 20 / 20 / 20
- Damage Cap: 5000 dps
The Ansiblex Jump Gate is the crowning achievement of Upwell’s initial research into navigation structures. This fast-deploying and powerful transportation structure was made possible thanks to Upwell “borrowing” technology both from underground pirate research labs and from reverse-engineered Triglavian gates salvaged deep within abyssal deadspace. Unlike previous long-distance teleportation technology available to capsuleers, Ansiblex gates enable movement for some capital ships as well as avoiding jump-fatigue for their users.
The Standup Jump Generator I service module consumes fuel blocks at activation and every hour like a normal service module and also consumes Liquid Ozone whenever a ship jumps through the gate. Both types of fuel can be placed into the same unlimited fuel bay within the structure by any pilot outside the structure using the Upwell Cargo Deposit feature. Liquid Ozone consumption per jump depends on the length of the jump connection and the mass of the jumping ship. The currently planned formula for Ozone consumption per jump is:
Ozone Consumed = (Ship Mass in kg) x (Jump Distance in LY) x 0.000003 + 50
Owners of Ansiblex Jump Gates can use Access Control List profiles to control exactly which pilots and organizations are allowed to jump through their gates, as well as controlling tolls. Tolls are set as an isk value per unit of ozone consumed, so larger ships will pay more isk for using toll gate networks and gate operators can charge a predictable profit margin above and beyond whatever they are paying for their ozone. Individual pilots can set a personal threshold below which they will automatically pay for their jumps without prompting, and any value above the threshold will prompt them about whether they wish to pay before executing the jump.
Since pairs of linked Jump Gates do not need to be owned by the same organizations or follow the same ACL profiles, there will also be warning messages for jumping pilots if they might not be able to jump back through the connection or if the isk fees for return trips are significantly higher than the fees for their current jump.
- Maximum of one structure per system
- 45 minute deployment/unanchor time
- Built-in Standup Jump Generator I requires the Advanced Logistics Network strategic infrastructure hub upgrade to be active in the system
- Service module consumes 30 fuel blocks per hour while active
- Jumping ships consume Liquid Ozone based on their mass and the length of the jump connection
- May not be deployed within 200km from other Upwell structures
- Maximum Jump Range: 5 light years
- Ship mass limit: 1,480,000,000kg
- Slot Layout: 0H, 0M, 0L, 0 Rig, 1 Service
- Volume: 6000m3
- Low Power Mode Hitpoints (shields / armor / hull): 750,000 / 750,000 / 3,000,000
- High Power Mode Hitpoints (shields / armor / hull): 3,000,000 / 3,000,000 / 3,000,000
- Resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 20 / 20 / 20 / 20
- Damage Cap: 5000 dps
Wednesday 11-7
1000 Drones Stolen
u/Olmeca_Gold celebrates his 1000th excavator steal from Goons with this reddit post on how he’s done it and what’s happened since his first post on the topic.
Thursday 11-8
Dread Bomb Countered
Pandemic Legion, Black Legion and Pandemic Horde escalated Titans onto DeadCo (GotG) who seemed to attempt to counter-escalate a dread bomb. Loses are approximately 325b Pandemic Family to 800b lost by DeadCo.
Battle Report: https://zkillboard.com/related/30004332/201811081000/
Rock Paper Shotgun reviews Project Nova
Init downs Pincone Squads Fort in Syndicate
Pinecone Squad lost a Fortizar in 2X-PQG to a fleet of Jumpy Ravens (ravens with command destroyers) from Initiative, Initiative Associates and Iron Armada. The battle report from u/swaglfar described as formup from United Federation of Conifers as max ravens with triage and dreads on standby. Initiative and Associates came with jumpy ravens and booshed around the fortizar grid, causing them unable to be caught by the defenders for the next 40 minutes.
Battle Report: https://br.inyour.space/?s=3275&b=8337900&e=90&t=aufrrve
Caldari Militia Downed
Last Caldari Militia staging fortizar dies in Asakai.
Friday 11-9
Rorqual Whales harpooned
Initiative loses 10 Rorquals in CHA2-Q to a Black Legion Munnin fleet. A bomber fleet was formed to save them but due to late USTZ, they quickly died to the heavy assault cruisers with no super escalation from Initiative.
Battle Report: https://br.inyour.space/?s=4601&b=8339220&e=90&t=ebb
Youtube Video from Black Legion POV:
Saturday 11-10
Querious Brawl
Small brawl in Querious between Odin’s Call and Outlaws with Stellae Renascitur. Note the armor heavy assault cruiser class Zealot in the Odin’s Call fleet.
Battle Report: https://br.inyour.space/?s=3968&b=8341620&e=150&t=u