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Talking In Stations welcomes Noraus to the show as we seek the story behind what is a “Quiet War.” Noraus is the leader of Winter Coalition, a Chinese based coalition. Along for the Onslaught discussion-hayride we have Dunk, Brisc and Exonfang. Later in the program, Tuzy and Asher Elias stop in to talk about the changes. Enjoy the program.
On the show:
- Matterall
- Carneros
- Ashterothi
- Noraus, Nuwa Foundation [The Therapists], Winter Coalition
- Dunk Dinkle, Brave Newbies, Legacy Coalition
- Brisc Rubal, STK Scientific [The Initiative.] CSM member
- Exonfang, Fweddit [Free Range Chikuns]
- Asher Elias, Goonwaffe, Imperium
- Tuzy, GSOL, Imperium
Show Notes:
- Catch up with Noraus on what Fraternity is doing in Scalding Pass and their cooperation with Scourge and SkillUrself
- a few months ago they were facing SkillUrself
- the Right Order (a Russian alliance) had been fighting in Scalding Pass for a month, took two constellations
- lost athanor and fortizar when Fraternity came with Scourge and SkillUrself
- the current content-conflict
- defenders are TRI, XIX, Bright Side of Death
- Folks in New Eden are prepping for Onslaught Tuesday and the two short weeks to make some important adjustments and take down Starbases
- Three new structures introduced Tuesday, Nov 13th
- three navigation structures all require sovereignty infrastructure hub upgrades in order to serve their functions
- Three Upwell Structures that are not armed themselves but can sit in range of an armed structure ie. astrahaus, fortizar or keepstar
- all require fuel and can go into the low-powered mode
- low power mode on nav structures means they can be killed in one go
- jump bridge requires an abyssal space component in construction, uses liquid ozone to move ships through
- Cyno jammer has an activation/deactivation of 5 minutes
- all require sovereignty infrastructure hub upgrades
- all have citadel 15-minute repair cycle, cannot be remote repaired.
- Maximum of one structure per system
- 45-minute deployment/unanchor time
- Built-in Standup Cynosural Generator I requires the Cynosural Navigation strategic infrastructure hub upgrade to be active in the system
- Service module consumes 15 fuel blocks per hour while active
- May not be deployed within 200km from other Upwell structures
- Uses ACL Lists so can be set to allow/deny use from whole alliances to individual persons.
- Maximum of three structures per system
- Maximum of one online service module per system
- 45-minute deployment/unanchor time
- Built-in Standup Cynosural Jammer I requires the Cynosural Suppression strategic infrastructure hub upgrade to be active in the system
- Cynosural System Jamming takes effect 5 minutes (change from 30 minutes) after service module is activated, can be instantly turned offline.
- Service module consumes 40 fuel blocks per hour while active
- May not be deployed within 150km from other Upwell structures
- Damage cap of 5000DPS means half hour minimum to reinforce regardless of fleet size
- Ozone Consumed = (Ship Mass in kg) x (Jump Distance in LY) x 0.000003 + 50
- Quick Stats:
- Maximum of one structure per system
- 45-minute deployment/unanchor time
- Built-in Standup Jump Generator I requires the Advanced Logistics Network strategic infrastructure hub upgrade to be active in the system
- Service module consumes 30 fuel blocks per hour while active
- Jumping ships consume Liquid Ozone based on their mass and the length of the jump connection
- May not be deployed within 200km from other Upwell structures
- Maximum Jump Range: 5 light years
- Ship mass limit: 1,480,000,000kg
- the placement of a fortizar or keepstar affects the fight for the attackers/defenders
- FLEX structures
- These new FLEX structures have a lot of unique distinguishing factors separating them from the standard Upwell product lines:
- They deploy extremely quickly, with the first FLEX structures requiring just 3% of the time of previous Upwell products to deploy and activate
- They can be deployed closer to other Upwell structures, with the first batch sporting minimum ranges of 150km and 200km to the nearest standard Upwell structure
- They are much faster to destroy, with a single short reinforcement cycle when in full-power mode and no reinforcement cycle when in low-power mode
- They come with built-in service modules that control their core function but do not have any other slots for fitting or rigs
- They do not have standard docking facilities, instead of being able to be boarded directly from space like a ship so that a pilot can control their service modules
- Any pilot can place fuel into FLEX structures through the Upwell Cargo Deposit system
- The initial group of Upwell FLEX structures does not have any weapons, asset safety, or tethering
- New update on Talking in Stations
- Co-host search for Thursday Show
- Talking in Stations is looking for new co-hosts!
- Talking in Stations (/) is looking for co-hosts for our new THURSDAY show. Must be available at 00:00 Eve Time for a run time of 20-60 minutes.
- Must have a good mic and voice with clear enunciation.
- Must be an active EVE player with skills to parse through data to find a story. You can be from any alliance or space of eve.
- Must be knowledgeable about basic lowsec/nullsec politics and history of the last 2 years
- Must be comfortable with Discord.
- Here’s how to APPLY:
- Send JANUARY VALENTINE ( January Valentine#9887) a dropbox link for an AUDIO recording by yourself. Describe who you are in EVE and some history about your character in EVE.
- Be available for a chat either with JanuaryV or Matterall.
- Catch up with Noraus on what Fraternity is doing in Scalding Pass and their cooperation with Scourge and SkillUrself
Wrap Up:
- Thanks to INN subscribers and tipsters, and TIS Patreons “colored names”
- For more information on this and other episodes, visit http://www.talkinginstations.com
- Thanks Panel, guests, staff (more specific)
- exit tagline – “…we’ll see you next week, on Talking in Stations.”
Soundtrack: Instrumental – “But Not Tonight” (Depeche Mode)
More Information and Links:
- Alliance Sovereignty Map by Verite for the day of the broadcast
- Coalition Sovereignty Map by Verite for the day of the broadcast
- u/boris_eve’s Reddit thread of supposid RMT transaction window in the Chinese Eve Client
- The Right Order Fortisar Loss in 71-UTX by the hands of Fraternity on zKillboard
- Pangu Coalition (alliance) former corporations Page on Dotlan showing majority reformed into Fraternity.
- Fraternitys statistics page on Dotlan showing continual growth through 2018
- Dotlans overall Alliance Page showing Fraternity 5th by player count
- Eve Echoes mobile game art from CCP
- Eve War of Ascension mobile game art from CCP
- Mobile Gaming Industry Statistics Infographic by Mediakix
- Mobile gaming market value from 2011 to 2019 by Statista
- Gdoc Preview of Titan and Supercap usage numbers from zkill over the last 3 months
- CCPs patch notes for the Onslaught Expansion out 13th Nov 2018
- CCPs dev blog on Abyssal Content coming in the Onslaught Exansion
- Eve Vegas 2018 Abyssal stats presentation slides on Imgur
- [SISI] Abyss PVP – 30mil~ ISK Caracal that can run T3s and PVP! YouTube Video by eveiseasy (suitonia)
- Navigation FLEX structures Dev blog by CCP coming in the Onslaught Expansion
- New FLEX Structures BPO prices Screenshot from SISI (eve test server)
- New Jump Gate activation Effects from Eve Vegas 2018 on Twitch by MacCloud
- Screenshot of current price spike on Liquid Ozone before the Onslaught Expansion
- Kendarrs Reddit post about the Flex Jammer
- [SISI] Keepstar DDs a Wyvern YouTube Video by Natuli