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This week on Talking in Stations we look back at Eve Vegas and the exciting events surrounding. We sit down with Jeronica from Eve Mogul and the deal they made with TEST to save their highsec structures after Horde’s fortizar destruction. We also ask Snuff Executor why they left the Imperium.
On the show:
- Matterall
- Artimus Albosa
- Carneros
- Hy Wanto (off-air)
- Jeronica (EVE-Mogul)
- Commander Aze
Show Notes:
- EVE Vegas
- Commander Aze saves the day
- Seasonal Live Event – Crimson Harvest
- Broken loot – ooops
- Abyssal technology entering K-space. Winter Event will have “In-An atmosphere Flying”
- Eve Vegas Announcement Review
- Two Eve mobile games
- Eve Echos
- Eve, but on a phone
- Development with NetEase, CCP’s eve-china partners
- Eve Ascension
- The game tested at vegas and fanfest
- Development now taking place within CCP
- Eve Echos
- Nova
- Invite-Only alpha starting soon
- Combat “in-space” on the hulls of Eve Ships
- PvP and PvE
- Wardec Changes
- Wars can only be declared against corps with structures
- HS Incursion runners rejoice for 0% tax, no war corps
- Full rework soon™
- Wars can only be declared against corps with structures
- Abyssal Changes
- Fleet sites: require 3 filaments, now on SISI
- Solo sites: Occasional access to a gate to a PvP zone with a special loot box where other abyssal site runners “might” enter
- “Only one ship leaves”
- New Triglavian ships
- Sniper destroyer
- Resist Bonused Battlecruiser
- T1 & T2 logi cruisers
- Rep amount ramps up over time
- New Mutoplasmids
- For triglavian weapons
- For all damage mods
- New Ship Construction Material drops
- New structure sometimes in abyssal sites
- Will need to be shot and killed and looted to collect more mats
- New structures (FLEX)
- Cyno jammer, cyno generator, stargate
- Generator and stargate use access lists
- Stargates can lead to another alliance’s system
- No Mass limits… Maybe?
- Cyno jammer, cyno generator, stargate
- Gate visuals overhaul
- Security, ownership, incursion status now visible in space
- ECM Changes
- Increase Jammer strength and range
- Reduced sig radius on all ECM bonused ships
- More fitting room on Widow, Falcon, Rook
- FAX changes
- Increased cycle time on RR
- CEHE’s get reduced resistances and duration
- Only 1 CASB can be fit to a ship (This Applies to all ships, Rorquals are also getting hit)
- All cap bonuses going away
- Data driven balance and design
- Highlighted in the minutes, now again in abyssal, ship and module balance, and wardec discussion
- Opinion: we should get someone from CCP on to talk about it, as it appears to be a relatively new initiative with wide spread impact
- Two Eve mobile games
- IChooseYou Financier exits from Perimeter Trade Hub
- all their fortizarsare destroyed
- Hardknocks – kills four Mackinaw Empire Kepstars in Cobalt Edge
- Snuffed Out Departure from Imperium
- Hy Wanto Destroyer [Snuff]: So it’s basically there’s no reason to be in the imperium when the game is going this way. So we just cleared our blues and we are just gonna return to doing more roamy stuff and smaller scale things s there’s no real reason for a coalition at this point and less blues = more stuff to kill.
- Funny loss of the day https://zkillboard.com/br/104305/ Ratting titan kills 9B in ships with boson accident
- Hirr pilot looses Ragnorok while experimenting. Killed by Snuff.
Wrap Up:
- Thanks to INN subscribers and tipsters, and TIS Patreons “colored names”
- For more information on this and other episodes, visit http://www.talkinginstations.com
- Thanks Panel, guests, staff (more specific)
Soundtrack: Instrumental – “But Not Tonight” (Depeche Mode)
More Information and Links:
- PCGamesN Article about Commander Aze saving the day for CCPs Stream Team
- Latest posts from #eveonline Twitter hashtag
- Eve Vegas 2018 Events presentation on Twitch – Planet Atmospheres section
- Some hard Truths about Wardecs Twitch Clip
- Structure based War Decs: CCP knows there’s issues and wants to resolve them Twitch Clip
- Eve Travel Website
- Imperium News Article – EVE VEGAS 2018 – LIVEBLOG
- EVE Vegas 2018 Recap by Manic Velocity on Youtube
- TiS Special, Conversations: IChooseYou, Under Attack
- Reddit thread about Snuffed Out leaving Imperium by u/Fulvertodoot
- INN article about Snuffed Out leaving Imperium
- The Rakapas lowsec system, a bottleneck that the Imperium hates, by zKillboard
- Reddit thread about Snuffed Out stealing spectre fleet titan thats left unpiloted in a POS
- Ragnos Fell’s unfortunate Ratting Titan loss in NCdot Staging System to Snuffed Out, by zKillboard
- Goonswarm Federation looses nearly 50b to 6 bombers in 10 seconds by br.inyour.space
- Unfortunate incident by Goonswarm titan Religionsrage Titan Ratting using a Boson just as 4 Smartbombing Machs Land at Zero, by zKillbaord
- Imperium News article about Chaos Theory failcascade by the hands of Imperium Spies
- Chaos Theory on Dotlan showing the recent dramatic Loss in member numbers
- Mackinaw Empires Keepstar losses on zkillboard
- Mackinaw Empires on Dotlan showing a 50% loss in members over the last week, by dotlan
- Reddit thread about Eve-files (host of the Eve Sovereignty maps) having catestrophic RAID Storage Failure
- The-Culture, Higher than Everests former Alliance before moving to Pandemic Legion by Dotlan
- Eve Mogul, Jeronicas Financial tools and Community
- Pandemic Horde On Dotlan
- Location of Botane system next to Dodixie on Dotlan
- Location of Perimeter system next to Jita on Dotlan