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We’re live in VEGAS, and we’re talking in a station, or what could pass for it. Carneros and Matterall bring on guests to talk about the new stuff, the Vegas events, and player news. Recorded live from the CCP EVE Vegas conference.
On the show:
- Carneros
- Matterall
- Alekseyev Karrde (Declarations of War podcast, Twitch)
- Brisc Rubal (CSM Player Representative)
- Noizygamer (Blogger)
- Johnny Splunk (EVE Scout, Signal Cartel, streamer)
- Seleene (Mercenary Coalition, former CSM, former CCP Dev)
- Smokeduprincess (new player, streamer)
- Wilhelm Arcturus (Blogger, EVE Vegas presenter)
- Dunk Dinkle (Brave, EVE Vegas presenter)
- LifeShifterX (FatBeeTV, INN Streaming)
- SkepticNerdGuy (INN Streaming, EVE live blog)
Thanks to Streamfleet for making this episode possible:
Ms Moses
Raiden Harmann
And Maccloud (TIS Engineer)
Soundtrack: Instrumental – “But Not Tonight” (Depeche Mode)