This week on Talking in Stations we talk about an integral part of the life of an alliance in Eve Online; what do you do when someone kicks over your sandcastle. Whether it is oppressive neighbors or an internal culture meltdown, we look at three alliances that have gone through these processes and what they did to bounce back. We are joined with Sebastien Saintfrusquin from Circle of Two, Dunk Dinkle from Brave Newbies Inc, Sapporo Jones and Dran Arcana, alliance executor and head diplomat of Test Alliance Please Ignore, respectively. We also review what’s been going on in the North – with four keepstars reinforced by Goonswarm Federation.
On the show:
- Matterall
- Carneros
- Artimus Albosa
- Sebastien Saintfrusquin, Evuldgenzo Matari Gardening [Circle of Two]
- Dunk Dinkle, Brave Newbies Inc. [Brave Newbies]
- Sapporo Jones, Upvote [Test Alliance Please Ignore]
- Dran Arcana, Dreddit [Test Alliance Please Ignore]
Show Notes:
- News on CSM summit – Goons raid TIS (server population), CCP Buyout
- News of Keepstar Battles
- 3V8-, 7X-, DO6 and C4C
- NC and GotG staging systems split
- A Look at Present Day CO2
- Struggles of Brave and TEST (Former Hero Coalition)
Wrap Up:
Thanks to INN subscribers and tipsters, and TIS Patreons “colored names”
For more information on this and other episodes, visit http://www.talkinginstations.com
Thanks Panel, guests, staff (more specific)
Soundtrack: Instrumental – “But Not Tonight” (Depeche Mode)
More Information and Links:
TiS’ 1000th member
4 keepstars reinforced in the north by Matterall
Alliance Sovereignty Map at the time of the Show by Verite
Coalition Sovereignty Map at the time of the Show by Verite
Sort Dragon apparently denying Co2 docking rights reddit thread
Eve Online: Trinity Trailer on Youtube
Test Alliance March/April 2012 on Youtube
Brave: Alliance Tournement XII Advert on Youtube
tl;dr Special Announcement – Brave Collective on Youtube
Brave Collective/HERO Coalition – Heroic Waters on Youtube
Matias of Brave with his “Stay Classy” announcement on r/bravenewbies
“This is EVE” – Uncensored (2014) on Youtube
Vegas 2018 Player Presentation Speakers by CCP
Information for Eve Fansites / Media groups and Event Organisers about specialist tickets for Eve Vegas 2018