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This week on Talking in Stations we sit down with Killah Bee, Asher Elias, Harvey Skywarker and Jay Amazingness looking at the conflict surrounding the destruction of the NC. Keepstar in X47L-Q.
On the show:
- Matterall
- Carneros
- Dirk MacGirk
- Killah Flee (Killah Bee), Shiva [Northern Coalition.]
- Asher Elias, GoonWaffe [Goonswarm Federation]
- Harvey Skywalker, Higher Than Everest [Pandemic Legion]
- Jay Amazingness, GoonWaffe [Goonswarm Federation]
Show Notes:
- Battle at X47L-Q Keepstar – NC staging
- Recap of last week – Northern Forces lost 28 titans(including a Vanquisher) to Imperium’s 24 (including a molok) and several faction super carriers as Imperium reinforced NC.’s keepstar.
- Final timer saw Pandemic Legion moving up through the south through Geminate and TEST moving to stage in the Imperium Keepstar in 6RC in Cloud Ring.
- Imperium Legacy titans jumped in system first to set up to start firing on the Keepstar with long range guns. The North jumped in second to get inside range of the titans to start a volley of DDs. DDOS of the server meant that Northern titans had trouble reconnecting easily after the disconnect of jumping after all the Imperium titans had loaded grid. Not having the volley power, the North lost 20 titans as they couldn’t set up properly and were losing significantly to the Imperium titans. Killahbee ordered retreat at the sixth titan loss but they lost 14 more through a combination of lengthy reconnects and Snuff HICs infinite pointing titans that were not tethered so they couldnt jump or dock. The keepstar took 5 hours to kill from start of the timer to destruction.
- War of Attrition
- Battle at X47L-Q Keepstar – NC staging
Wrap Up:
- Thanks to INN subscribers and tipsters, and TIS Patreons “colored names”
- For more information on this and other episodes, visit http://www.talkinginstations.com
- Thanks Panel, guests, staff (more specific)
Soundtrack: Instrumental – “But Not Tonight” (Depeche Mode)
More Information and Links:
- O-N8XZ midpoint interdiction battle report by br.inyour.space
- Location of O-N8XZ by Dotlan
- X47L-Q Keepstar final timer fight Battle Report by br.inyour.space
- NCdot x47 Keepstar killmail showing usage of 2 structure platings by zkillboard
- bel Doshu’s bugged titan lossmail that survived post fight by zkillboard
- Huge Cokk’s bugged titan lossmail that survived post fight by zKillboard
- Captain Iacton Qruze’s bugged titan lossmail that survived post fight by zKillboard
- Aktar Esil’s titan lossmail showing dual tanking approach to create the maximum HP to soak up hostile Doomsdays
- Impass region and the capability of a central location to defend from using a capital fleet by Dotlan
- The Branch region, another example of an easily defensible region using a Capital fleet by Dotlan
- The Querious region where Imperium runs their Querious Fight Club experiment, by Dotlan
- Heavy Interdiction Cruiser wiki page by Wikia
- X47L-Q Keepstar Final video by Roudin GSF on Youtube
- [Cinematic] The Battle of X47L-Q Pt. 2 by Adan Dimaloun on Youtube
- The Lesson of X47 reddit thread by u/Lenestar
- Goon mumble DDOS’d during X47 fight reddit thread by u/Eve_Asher
- Doomchinchilla is having a great evening playing EVE reddit thread by u/Wibla
- While waiting for 64bit client here are some workarounds proven to reduce DCs reddit thread by u/ronnyhugo
- The North knows who’s to blame for X47L-Q reddit thread by u/Soraya_K
- How this war will end, and issues in the new titan on titan era of null sec (in depth) reddit thread by u/H0n0ur
- Summary of Key Economic Figures by Region from the July 2018 Eve Online Monthly Economic Report, by CCP
- why i’m quitting PL (minor leaks within) reddit thread by u/dragonstalking
- why im quitting skill urself (major leaks within) reddit meme thread by u/cap_qu
- Tranquility Alliance Sovereignty Map from 12th August 2018 by Verite
- Tranquility Coalition Sovereignty Map from 12th August 2018 by Verite
- San Diego EVE Alliance Tournament Viewing Party meetup information by Evemeet