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Artimus Albosa is joined by Dirk MacGirk and new panelist Bardghost Isu, guests Harvey Skywarker and Apple Pear to talk about ‘The Great Escape’ of Pandemic Legion and Holy Meteorite Coalitions supercapital force from their bubble camp in UALX-3 and all the controversy surrounding the metagaming of reddit opinion as to the true condition of those Supercapitals.
We also pivot to the north and look to how the second front is shaping up and the significance of 2 dead Keepstars at the hands of The Imperium.
On the show:
- Artimus Albosa
- Dirk MacGirk
- Bardghost Isu
- Harvey Skywalker, Higher Than Everest [Pandemic Legion]
- Apple Pear, Hogyoku [Goonswarm Federation]
Show Notes:
- https://www.eveonline.com/article/pcfosv/alliance-tournament-xvi-the-megablog
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/92lyww/alliance_tournament_xvi_day_one_megathread/
- First Day’s action:
- Goonswarm fields polarised weapons with The Mittani in an Augoror Navy Issue in an AT match.
- Templis CALSF bomb run on No Vacancies
- All the commentators bet against Bastion pre-match as Quebec United Legion cause drama just before the match starts.
- The new Triglavian ships seem to be very popular in various comps due to their lower point cost, ramping DPS, non-concessionary utility high slot availability and new “no duplicates” rule.
PL and Eastern Block Escape from UALX
- https://youtu.be/ZPhlNQYFwdw
- Huge reddit drama over alleged abuse of mechanics to get trapped supercapitals out
- So much wild conjecture on the part of Legacy being spun up by a propaganda drama machine spearheaded by PL especially Doomchinchilla.
- Alleged abuse turns out to be fabrication as PL and the holy meteorite coalition time an escape to perfection logging in supers titans and faxes, kill bubbles and align out until clear and jump with scheduled DT mere seconds away to provide a safety net for Supers unable to make it clear in time.
- Arguably the best ‘fake’ propaganda video created using the sphere.exe meme where BL evac capitals out of the bubble camp
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHRNVnnKVxo
- Spawns a meme in and of itself due to a particularly enraged comment on said video
- “This is disgusting. They log in, activate hack and jump to their fort before they even materialise. Litteraly. There is just no time to do anything else. Like how is this supposed to be fair. Meanwhile Falcon is parading around saying that we should calm down and that everything is fine.”
- Whilst Supercapitals are trapped Legacy make very little ground on the front lines barr the successful onlining of their Keepstar in UALX.
- PL and Holy Meteorite coalition successfully counter a proactive push by Legacy against their staging fortizars using capitals and subcapitals.
- Time will tell if the freed supercapital forces are fully utilised the way they were on the 4-GB Keepstar or if their near week long immobilisation in UALX has created a less brash desire for them to be used as the Apex Force they have been used as previously.
Shadow Cartel Keepstar in Aeshere Dies to Imperium uncontested
- https://zkillboard.com/kill/71485399/
- DoomChinchilla previously tweeted when keepstar first attacked by Snuffed Out that “Pandemic Legion will not protect the Shadow Cartel keepstar. It will die. #tweetfleet #fuckSC”
- Imperium arrange supers in ‘blue donut’ formation around staging Fortisar
- INIT display Heart formation atop the wreck of the SC Keepstar.
Waffles Keepstar in Kinakka dies to Imperium uncontested.
- https://zkillboard.com/kill/71518479/
- Although several other Keepstars have been reinforced, sov upgrades that denies easy full escalation to supercapitals cannot be installed in Low Sec, providing an easy target for Imperiums massive armor supercapital forces.
Soundtrack: Instrumental – “But Not Tonight” (Depeche Mode)
More Information and Links:
- EVE ATXVI Brackets
- Multitwitch view of both channels
- CCPs Official ATXVI Megablog
- Flagship Submossions for ATXVI
- ATXVI rules and Signups
- Eve Video. UALX-3 Tactical Withdrawal of Capital Ships by FindQuest on Youtube
- Doomchinchilla Tweet stirring up drama about getting out of the UALX bubble camp
- Using sphere.exe to Moonwalk (BL elite hacker perspective) by Low Put on Youtube
- location of 4-GB14 on Dotlan
- location of UALX-3 on Dotlan
- Shadow Cartel Keepstar Lossmail in Aeschee by zKillboard
- Doomchinchilla’s Tweet regarding PLs reaction to SC’s Keepstar in Aeschee getting Reinforced
- Imperiums ‘blue donut formation’ on staging fortizar in Aeschee by u/Exedore82 on Reddit
- INITs Heart formation atop SC’s Keepstar wreck in Aeschee by u/Bijouz on Reddit
- Waffles Keepstar lossmail in Kinakka by zKillboard
- Img of the P7-45V Keepstar final timer fight BR betwseen newly formed DRFdot coalition and RED Alliance and allies.
- BR of the P7-45V Keepstar Fight by inyour.space
- location of P7-45V on Dotlan
- BR of the Snuff gank of 3 titans and 3 supercarriers of Ghost Legion and B0T in V-JCJS by inyour.space
- location of V-JCJS on Dotlan
- Coalition Verite influence map on the 29th of July 2018
- Alliance Sovereignty influence map on the 29th of July 2018
- Location of DW-T2I, C02’s Staging Keepstar Location in Dotlan
- Location of E-Z2ZX, front line movement boarder in the northern front grind by Dotlan
- Eve Doiwn Under CCP Fozzie’s Keynote Slideshow including in game models of New structures to replace cyno jammers etc…
- Amazing Propaganda created by u/GrassWaterDirtHorse about northern front conflict and usage of Cynojammers on reddit
- Evemeet.com the best place to find out information on organised Eve Player Meets