This week on Talking in Stations, Harvey Skywarker dubs the war in the south The Trinosaur War, wherein TEST alliance and Legacy Coalition are engaged against a myriad of enemies. Pandemic Legion has officially joined the fight over Immensea by moving a massive fleet of supercarriers, titans, and force auxiliaries down to Tenerfis to join Fraternity and Holy League against Legacy Coalition. On the other side of the map in Eha, The Bloc – a Caldari Militia corporation – successfully defended a fortizar with NC again Gallante Militia.
On the show:
- Matterall
- Carneros
- Harvey Skywarker (P3AK, PL)
- Killlah Bee (Shiva, Northern Coalition)
- Opner Dresden (former leader of Explicit Alliance, Drone Control Unit)
- Jin’taan (Production of Memes, Red Noise)
- PlexedLive (The Terrifying League Of Dog Fort, GSF)
- Silver Suspiria (Mecha Enterprises Fleet, FEDUP)
Show Notes:
War on Legacy Coalition
- History of conflict
- Formation of Holy League
- Tri and Winter coalition
- Legacy and CVA
- NC/PL and Goons
- Fraternity Fortizar save in T2-V8F in Tenerfis
- PL supercapital (101 Titans, 200 fax) move-fleet to ZMV9-A in Tenerfis
Faction War Fight – Caldari vs Gallante
- NC and Bloc defend a fortizar in Eha against Galmil
Thanks to INN subscribers and tipsters, and to our TIS Patreons
For more information on this and other episodes, visit http://www.talkinginstations.com
Soundtrack: Instrumental – “But Not Tonight” (Depeche Mode)
More Information and Links:
- PL Supercap Move OP by Reddit user sockeye101
- PL Supercap Move OP Dscan
- PL Super Fleet Destination
- Graphic of PL Move Op Distance by MacCloud
- Supers / Titans recently used and appearing on zkillboard in the last 3 months by Reddit user Andrew_Xadi
- The Immensea Region
- T-2 Fight Location
- Verite Coalition Map Early July 2018
- Verite Sov Map Early July 2018
- BR of the T-2 Fight between Imperium / Legacy and Winter / Trumpy / The North
- Eha fight location
- FW influence map early July 2018
- Eha Fight zkillboard BR
- Reddit AAR of Eha Fight by MrUnderhill
- C-L Cinematic by Adan Dimaloun
- P3AKs Alliance history
- Peaky Blinders
- Brave Loosing Hells in small Move OP to PL Trap on Brave Fort.