The original song is “But Not Tonight” by Depeche Mode released in 1986 on the Black Celebration LP.
TIS recording was borrowed and slightly edited from Modular State “Depeche Mode’s But Not Tonight (Some sounds from Alan Wilders Emax setup were used)”. Alan Wilder was the lead keyboardist and studio polisher for DM. He auctioned off his old DM gear and this musician used it to recreate classic DM songs. That is the version we used with slight modifications.
Why this song?
David Matterall: The song is special to me, it was something I played in my car (on cassette!) when first moved to “the city” (San Francisco). It reminds me of the fascination huge building and all the promise of excitement a city could offer. I grew up in a rural area. The song represents entering the massive metropolis with the intention of succeeding there.
Years later I moved to Los Angeles to work in the film industry, and I lived in and around Hollywood neighborhoods and downtown LA. That was 1993. The official video was filmed in these areas, you can see the streets as I saw them when I arrived. Today Hollywood is a much different place, but this video reminds me of what it was like long ago.
So why this song for an EVE podcast?
When I created Talking In Stations I decided if I was going to make a show it would be something that was small and personal. The song that inspired me as a young man to move to the big city was the right song to talk about playing a virtual world – just being a small part of a much larger world.
Many people have said, “Don’t ever change that the music!” Now, with over 3,000 listeners, we never will. It’s part of TIS.