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We spend time with CCP Snowedin and CCP Zeotrope talking about the EVE API – and how only ESI will be supported after May 8th. This leads to a long and detailed discussion about the nature of EVE and its relationship to Modders and Third Party developers. How much information is too much? We conclude with a first-person perspective on a Jump Freighter loss and the memes that followed Matterall.
On the show:
- Matterall
- Dirk MacGirk
- CCP Zoetrope (Software Engineer)
- CCP SnowedIn (Software Engineer)
- Jeronica (EVE-Mogul)
Show Notes:
- Introductions
- What does the Team Tech Co do?
- Developers blog (https://developers.eveonline.com/blog)
- 3rd Part Development
- EVE’s + technology-oriented players (past Unix support, an economist on staff, learning curve)
- Some games have Mods, EVE has API
- What is 3rd party development
- Developer registration (https://developers.eveonline.com/developerregistration/home)
- Credit card only? Maybe require a passport/gov issued ID?
- API – What does CCP offer
- Images Export Collection
- Static Data Export
- OAuth2 Login
- XML API (replaced)
- CREST API (replaced)
- EVE’s + technology-oriented players (past Unix support, an economist on staff, learning curve)
- Announcement — ESI replacement for CREST and our API system
- What is ESI
- May 8th, 2008 – ESI supported only
- Affects characters or accounts?
- Can a Player tell if his API is being abused?
- What are players giving up to Corps/Alliances?
- Remote controlling other people’s game?
- Announcement — ESI replacement for CREST and our API system
- Examples of 3rd party sites
- Dotlan – Maps
- EveMon – Skill planning
- EVE-Mogul – Market
- Eve Cost – Production
- Tripwire – Wormholes mapping
- zKillboard – killboards
- Pyfa – Fitting
- Timer Calculator – Intel / Structures
- Full List (https://github.com/devfleet/awesome-eve)
- Perspective Questions
- Why allow 3rd party tools?
- Let scale be limited but what players can do ingame?
- Why do players have to leave the game to play it?
- March 20th – “The Hunt”
- Jump Fatigue
- Tethering
- Sov Shake up
- Eve Voice removed – External chat tech
- Monitor ship
- Meme – Matterall btw
- Behind the scenes of losing a JF worth 20-25 billion ISK
- Honorable Pirates – lets make a list
- Keepstar Freeports League
- Thanks to Engineer – Maccloud
- Thanks to Webmaster – Keskora
- Thank You Subscribers and Supporters: http://www.talkinginstations.com
- Join Discord: https://discord.gg/hKhxq4m
Soundtrack: Instrumental – But Not Tonight (Depeche Mode)
Used in the show / further reading:
- https://developers.eveonline.com/
- https://community.eveonline.com/support/third-party-applications/
- https://community.eveonline.com/support/policies/3rd-party-eula-en/
- https://developers.eveonline.com/blog
- https://evemondevteam.github.io/evemon/
- http://www.eve-cost.eu/calculator
- https://tripwire.eve-apps.com/
- https://www.eve-mogul.com/
- https://github.com/pyfa-org/Pyfa/releases
- https://zkillboard.com/
- http://timers-in.space/
- http://eve-prism.com/
- https://eveskunk.com/e
- https://zapier.com/help/eve-online/
- http://evenews24.com/2015/11/13/keeping-a-crest-of-eve-with-api-development/
- http://cdn2.cad-comic.com/comics/cad-20120625-8bb4c.png
- https://imperium.news/eve-online-gets-writable-crest-api/
- https://blog.taabe.net/the-removal-of-api-keys-and-the-future-of-api-checks-95278d02e4f6
- https://swagger.io/
- https://github.com/ccpgames/esi-issues/issues
- https://developers.eveonline.com/blog/article/esi-quick-reference-for-new-developers-1
- https://updates.eveonline.com/
- https://developers.eveonline.com
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS9BgDtQ5Rw