TiS 12/10/16 Mining and Building
Please support the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/matterall.
Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/hKhxq4m
EVE News Chief, Matterall, sits down with fellow EVE Online players to discuss news, politics, and personalities from the long-lived MMO game. Recorded live on Twitch: TheMittani Channel.
Engineering Platforms
Economic Conditions
Matterall (Northern Coalition, writer/editor INN)
Tiberius StarGazer (Northern Coalition, CCP’s 07 show, writer/editor EVE_NT and EN24)
Caleb Ayrania ( Writer, Founder SCC Lounge)
Carneros (Bastion Leader, Everquest Exec, Former CCP Marketing)
Jeronica (Pandemic Legion, EVE Mogul Founder)
Youtube.com: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sZddgJVIz8
Soundtrack: But Not Tonight (Depeche Mode)