Please support the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/matterall.
Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/hKhxq4m
EVE News Chief, Matterall, sits down with fellow EVE Online players to discuss news, politics, and personalities from the long-lived MMO game. Recorded live on Twitch: TheMittani Channel.
Tribute War Update
Refubee War update
NPE Mining – Procedural Generation
Alliance Tournament Team Phenomenon Section
Matterall (Northern Coalition, writer/editor TMC)
Tiberius StarGazer (Northern Coalition, CCP’s 07 show, writer/editor EVE_NT and EN24)
Rhivre (writer/editor TMC and EVE Economist)
Apothne (Sniggerdly/PL, AT Commentator, Writer for CZ, #EVE_NT Host/Commentator)
Corebloodbrothers (FC, and CEO of The Volition Cult Alliance, former CSM member)
Youtube.com: https://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz2cgA_iJcI
Twitch.com: https://www.twitch.tv/themittanidotcom/v/93698816
Soundtrack: But Not Tonight (Depeche Mode)